This past weekend marked the one year anniversary since I have officially been tracking my weight on this little lady, The Big Weight.

I definitely got off to a rocky start.  A year ago, my dedication to hitting the gym and being active was impeccable.  However, the weight loss itself was hardly a reflection of all the time I spent hitting the gym or doing all of those 5Ks!   At one point I was even worried that something might be wrong with me.

I mean, just look at the first part of the graph {click for a larger view} - I was barely moving!

Thankfully I continued to persevere through the lack of significant losses, and finally started to find my losing streak late in the summer, and since then it's been a fairly steady downhill battle. 

What I think was holding me back was definitely my eating habits.  For starters, I had a pretty hard time staying within my Daily PointsPlus Target and Weekly PointsPlus Allowance.  I almost daily/weekly went over both.  Perhaps even more importantly, I was still eating a ton of fast food.  By fast food, I mean just generally going out to eat and eating things that weren't PointsPlus friendly. 

LOVE these purple carnations from Giant!
The bottom line is that I wasn't planning.  And guess what?  I'm still not super great at planning each day out, but I have gotten better at coming up with meal ideas for the week that I can throw together.  I try to do a lot of cooking on Sunday's so that the 3 main meals are in the fridge/freezer and ready for the taking as the week progresses. 

The mini goals have also helped me significantly.  Who doesn't love working for a new piece of jewelry plus whatever other item I've been wanting to get myself?  Even the mini goals each week in terms of activity have really helped me keep a positive mindset about exercise.  I'd rather do 2 days of activity a week (working up to 3 here soon), than do none at all!

tulips I just bought - aren't they pretty?

So in one year's time I have managed to lose just over 30 lbs and I am THRILLED with those numbers.  Do I wish it was more?  Yes, of course.  However,  a negative 30 lbs is better than sitting where I was a year ago, or even worse - weighing more than the 263.8 lbs I started with.

It is my goal to have lost at least another 30 lbs by this time next year.  It doesn't sound like much, but just 30 lbs off of my body already feels so amazing, I know another 30 lbs removed will feel even better!  

This week I have some pictures to share of those recipe links I posted last week, as well as an itty bitty giveaway that will come to you tomorrow.  Weight Watchers sent me another duplicate magazine (I really need to call them to find out what's up with this!), but you are going to benefit from it... stay tuned!
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Posted by: Tukiyooo 1 Year Anniversary Updated at : 12:44 PM
Monday, March 5, 2012

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