The Falkland Islands have a GDP of $105 million, and a per capita GDP of $35,400 (2002 estimate) placing the islands on a par with the United Kingdom (GDP per capita of $35,200 – 2009 estimate). The contributors to the GDP by sector are:
  • Fisheries – 52.5%
  • Government (including health and education) – 14.0%
  • Communications, Finance and Business services – 11.4%
  • Hospitality & Transport – 7.7%
  • Construction – 6.6%
  • Housing and other services – 3.2%
  • Mining. Quarrying & Manufacturing – 2.1%
  • Agriculture – 1.6%
  • Utilities – 0.9%

British newspaper The Telegraph writes in its Monday the 13th of February online edition:

 Via The Telegraph:
Argentina starts 'squid war' against Falkland Islands 

Argentina has reportedly started a "squid war" against the Falkland Islands, telling fishermen to catch the creatures before they reach the waters around the British territory.
Argentina reportedly hopes the orders will deal a blow to the Falkland Islands' fishing industry, which is worth up to £45 million a year – half of which comes from catches of Illex squid
Illex squid start their one-year lives off the River Plate, which marks the border of Argentina and Uruguay, in September and move southwards as they grow.
Meanwhile, Foreign Secretary William Hague warned South American nations not to collude with Argentina's ban on allowing ships from the Falkland Islands to dock in their ports.
Britain has ruled the Falklands, 290 miles (460 kilometres) east of Argentina's coast, for more than 180 years. However, Argentina also claims sovereignty, losing a brief war over the islands in 1982. Offshore oil exploration in the area has encouraged new waves of nationalism on both sides.
Last month, Argentina persuaded Brazil, Uruguay and Chile to join a Mercosur trade group resolution to turn away any ship flying the Falklands' flag, which shows a sheep and a ship along with the United Kingdom's red, white and blue Union Jack.


British media offensive against Argentina last week reached its climax when the Falkland Island Newspaper “The Penguin News” referred to the Argentine President as a “Bitch”.

The Guardian online edition wrote:

Falkland Islands newspaper calls Cristina Fernández de Kirchner a bitch

Thousands of complaints after insult that followed Fernández accusing Britain of militarising south Atlantic islands
The Falkland Island newspaper the Penguin News has triggered uproar on Argentinian social networks by calling President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner a bitch.

The newspaper's website uploaded a photo of Fernández briefly using the insult as a file name on Wednesday, a day after she accused Britain of militarizing the south Atlantic islands.

The word triggered an immediate avalanche of complaints and abuse from Argentinians, reflecting heightened sensitivity towards the archipelago in the runup to the 30th anniversary of the war with Britain.
The Buenos Aires daily La Nacion said the word, "perra" in Spanish, was a strong "anglo-saxon term ... signifying disrespect". Within hours more than 2,000 readers responded with comments, many vitriolic.
The Penguin News, which is printed weekly and online updated daily, usually has a tiny readership – the islands have a population of 3,000 – but the escalating diplomatic row between London and Buenos Aires has in recent weeks attracted many readers in Argentina which calls the islands Las Malvinas and asserts ownership.

To illustrate a story about Fernández's speech on Tuesday it uploaded a photograph of the president with the offending word. Those who saved the image found that the default file name was "bitch".
Challenged by an Argentinian on her Twitter feed the editor, Lisa Watson, replied: "emmm oops – not now you'll find." The word was removed. Watson referred to colleagues' "dry humour". By then however the page had been saved and posted on multiple websites, prompting online fury.
The editor's Twitter feed reflected angry and often vicious hate messages. Penguin staff did not reply to emails or phone calls last night but last week, before the controversy, Watson told the Guardian she had been receiving abusive messages for weeks.

"I receive threats and insults via our work email address and on Twitter. The threats I try not to take seriously, particularly as the individuals tend to sign their name and even offer 'besos' (kisses) after claiming they are coming to the Falklands and their first task will be to kill me. Mainly I am referred to as a prostitute, liar, thief and pirate, other words I really wouldn't like to mention."
She did not keep such emails, she said. "I read and delete immediately because it's not something you want to keep as a souvenir, but one said 'Die you decadence whore', others say things like 'I am coming to the Malvinas so walk softly because I will find you.'"

She did not take them seriously. "I assume it is simply people momentarily angry because they have read something in their newspaper about the islands – I suppose we all feel like that sometimes but threatening to kill me seems a little extreme."
Watson said she was more upset about random calls to islanders. "It's intimidating to be woken in the night to someone shouting at you in Spanish."

Nevertheless she said it was important to have dialogue. "I have no objection to chatting and debating with Argentines. My reason for doing so is in the hope they will see us as a people with our own culture and our own thoughts. I live in hope that they will understand we are not 'British imperialists' but a population that has struggled to develop this little country and deserve to be allowed to live in peace.
"I should say that I also receive many messages of support from Argentines or messages from people who do not agree with my point of view but want to offer kind thoughts anyway."

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Posted by: Tukiyooo Britain and Argentina Updated at : 5:34 PM
Sunday, February 12, 2012

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