I'm down another 5 lbs this week, bringing me to a total loss of 33.8 lbs.  I am really proud of myself that this weight is continuing to come off.  I'm also thrilled that I have chosen to deal with the cards I've been dealt lately, instead of eating away the pain. 

Right now weight loss is the easiest it's ever been.  I never imagined I'd find myself saying that.  Only one other time in recent history do I remember not having an interest in food, and that was when I had food poisoning in the fall.  Since Wednesday, I can count the number of things I've eaten on two hands.  I know things will get back to normal soon enough with my eating habits, but for now I am going to be thankful that at least this good is happening :).

Still searching for a charm to add to my weight loss bracelet.  I have some ideas in mind and hope to make a purchase this week.

I have also decided to drop my nursing classes this semester since there are some other life situations taking precedence right now, so you should be seeing a lot more of me around these parts.  I'm okay with it.  In fact, I'm okay with this breakup too.  It is necessary, for now.  As each day goes on God reminds me of other blessings I have in my life and those are bringing me happiness.  

Thank you all for your support.  I appreciate it more than you know.

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Posted by: Tukiyooo Another Goal Reached Updated at : 10:59 AM
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

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