Good Friday morning!

Weigh In Results
If a Friday is your weigh in day as well, I hope it went as well for you as it did for me!  I've known all week that the scale was moving in the direction I wanted, but I can honestly say I didn't expect to be in a new decade come today!

I have now entered the 230s and weighed in this morning at 239.4!!!!!!!  That means that I am down 2.8 lbs from last week, and I'm just 0.6 lbs away from meeting my next goal!  LOVE it!

How I Did It
So, as my WW leader always asks us - what worked this week?

It is a rare week when I follow WW exactly to a tee {this wasn't one of those weeks either!}, so that is not the reason why I had a tremendous loss.

In fact,  just last weekend I made Oreo truffles, and it was Sunday night when I went a little overboard with them {I'll share the recipe!}.  They are 2 PointsPlus each - even using reduced fat Oreos and the WW cream cheese block.  Lord!  So anyhow, that plus an unplanned night of eating out with Joel.... having a VERY delicious basil fried rice.... I thought I was doomed.

from Pho Thom - next to Univ. of Maryland

But here's what I suspect contributed to the 2.8 lbs removal of lard:

  1. Filling breakfasts + lots of fruit daily. I had that amazing oatmeal this week, and getting that fiber from the oatmeal plus the fruits had to have made all the difference!  Let's just say it added some much needed "regularity" to my daily routine.  TMI?  Oops.  Honestly, I'm terrible at getting in my fruits/veggies every day because those are things that I just don't crave {or want}.  BUT, this week's loss is a prime example and reason why I need to keep up these good habits.  That oatmeal kept me full from 7 AM to 12 PM every single morning this week.

  2. Sharing my journey with others.  I spent about 4 hours on Saturday with my friend Ang and ventured over to her house for lunch.  Ang is already a very health conscious person, so I didn't for one minute think she would be serving up greasy delicacies.  Still, I wasn't prepping lunch, she was, and that means I didn't really have control over the situation.  However, we enjoyed little pizzas made on pita bread, complete with turkey pepperoni and 2% cheese.  A perfect WW lunch!  Thank you Ang!

    Additionally, as nervous as I was to ask at first, I simply said: "Hey Ang, do you mind if I take a pic of the nutrition facts on those pitas so I can figure out the PointsPlus later?"  Of course she didn't mind! 

    In the past I would have never even attempted to ask this question - I would have rather kept everything a big secret.  But, asking that one simple question helped me stay on track the rest of the day - because I was able to definitively calculate the PointsPlus value of that mini pizza and not stress about "estimating" it. 

  3. Exercise.  Unfortunately, as much as I wish this wasn't the case, I've never been one of those WWs who can really lose without exercising.  Sticking to my 2 days/per week commitment has definitely contributed to my losses.  Not only that, but I've been inadvertently adding little lunch walks 1 day per week with my coworker, Meghan.  Meghan and I just chit chat about wedding stuff and the time FLIES by! 

  4. Plenty of sleep.  I normally always get 7 hours of sleep every night.  Sleep is just not something I am willing sacrifice.  I know I can be fully functional on 7 hours.  This week, however, I was getting upwards of 7.5 to 8 hours of shuteye, which makes life even better for me!  Did this added rest allow me to burn more calories?  I hope!
Other News
My plans this weekend include meeting with the caterer on Saturday to go over food options for the wedding.  I also plan to get started on the wedding website.  I wasn't planning on doing this but someone already asked if I had one, so I figured I'd better throw one together.  Do you ever use these when you've been invited to a wedding?  I'd also like to throw together a few posts for next week.  I have a few more recipes to share with you that I think you'll like!  Oh yeah, and then there's that school thing. 

What's on your agenda for the weekend?

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      Posted by: Tukiyooo Weigh In & Other News Updated at : 6:36 AM
      Friday, January 20, 2012

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