First off, let me just say how awesome you all are who commented yesterday.  When I finally read all of the posts, I cried.  The main reason why I cried is because you helped validate my sanity.  I know that Joel often thinks I'm nuts because I cannot come to terms with living here.  Sometimes I think he must be right!

He's said it before: "It's just a land mass Hilary, what difference does it make where you live".  But Joel has never lived anywhere else, and I've lived a lot of places.  It's hard living somewhere that you hate.   I'm lucky enough that despite how he feels, he's willing to put his wants aside to make me feel better, even if that does mean sticking it out another year and a half.

After I wrote yesterday's post, I decided to email my landlord to find out our options.  You might wonder why I didn't just do this in the first place before worrying about all that I wrote yesterday.  The thing is, I hate to inconvenience other people on my behalf.  I figured that by asking her to accommodate our needs (meaning extend our lease just 6 months, instead of the traditional year...long enough to get us through the wedding), she would most likely say no.  I mean, she lives in Puerto Rico, and I'm sure she'd rather have someone committed to living another year over just 6 months.  I couldn't blame her at all for this.

Side note: I'm long winded. I'm sorry. I know it's annoying.
Our landlord responded with a really nice email basically stating that she would be more than happy to work with us on the lease... and would basically do the 6 month extension with no problem. HUGE weight lifted off of my shoulders!!  Would I love to move in June? Yes.  BUT, I am more than willing to stick it out through October to have the wedding I want, and still leave here in less than a year.  I am absolutely giddy with excitement knowing that this will hopefully be my last year living here! 

Your advice is/was much appreciated!
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Posted by: Tukiyooo Wedding Update Updated at : 4:00 AM
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

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