Israeli Exports to Turkey rise 42% to equal exports to Germany

What we are made to believe is one thing, what occurs in reality is another. This obviously applies in geopolitics and is one of the causes as to why conspiracy theories becoming increasingly popular amongst a broader spectrum of internet users and thus causes eyebrow rising among the “ruling establishment”.
Take for example the current eco - political rift between TURKEY and ISRAEL. For month now we are made to believe that relations between the two nations are going down the drain, due to the GAZA flotilla incident, (see http://news-these-days.blogspot.com/2011/09/turkeys-middle-east-chess-game.html) and that this rift will have serious percussion's on the Geo-strategic situation in the MIDDLE EAST. Looking at the latest economic trade figures between the two countries it becomes evident that reality is somewhat different then what we are made to believe.

According to latest data, exports from ISRAEL to TURKEY rose 42% to $1.85 billion in 2011, while exports to GERMANY totaled $1.94 billion. This showcases that deteriorating diplomatic relations between the two countries has not affected trade.
ISRAELI exports to TURKEY totaled $132.1 million in December 2011, 51% more than in the corresponding month.
ISRAELI imports TURKEY rose 20.6% from 2010 to $2.1 billion in 2011,
resulting in a trade deficit of $321 million.
ISRAELI exports to EGYPT and JORDAN rose 26% in 2011.

Stats obtained via Globes

Witty Turks

As for TURKEY one should also not forget that it plays a similar game with IRAN. On the one hand TURKEY is in alliance with the USA and the EU in supporting the tumbling of the SYRIAN regime which is supported by IRAN. TURKEY on the other hand, officially at least, does not considers IRAN as being its favorite neighbor but nevertheless assists IRAN to bypass the oil embargo by facilitating INDIA with HALK BANKASI bank transactions so that INDIA is able to conduct its oil trade with IRAN in gold. Last but not least TURKEY seems to keep a political backdoor open by only adhering to sanctions against IRAN’S nuclear program if imposed by the UNITED NATIONS SECURITY COUNCIL, which is a no go for RUSSIA and CHINA will never ratify these sanctions, thus giving TURKEY the leverage to deal with its neighbors according to its eco-political needs.
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Posted by: Tukiyooo Updated at : 6:31 AM
Sunday, January 29, 2012

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