I'm glad I've reincorporated workouts back into my life.  I had definitely taken some time off during most of October/November/December.  Easing back into it with just 2 days per week have really worked to my advantage.  It's just enough to make a difference for weight loss and make me feel good, and also just the right amount so that I'm not bored by doing the same few machines over and over 4-5 days/week.  Not to mention the fact that it's been just enough to motivate me to keep going every week!

Right around the start of the new year I was trucking away on the elliptical reading an article in a magazine,  and it talked about how important it is not to compare your weight loss journey to others.  It talked about how you do what you have to do for yourself - what feels comfortable for you.  It mentioned how there are countless studies that say you must do x, y and z {in terms of exercise} in order to achieve "real" results.  What really rang true to me in this article was that it stressed how each weight loss journey is unique to that individual.   

  • You do what you're capable of doing.   
  • You do what feels right for you at this point in your life.  
  • You can achieve "real" results just by doing something so simple as walking every day. 

Yes, you can challenge yourself, but you don't have to make the exercise part of weight loss so overwhelming by telling yourself that you must do 10 variations of weight moves and 5 levels of intensity on the elliptical/treadmill/stairmaster, etc, every single day in order to achieve weight loss success.  I was definitely getting to that point with exercise.  I had spreadsheets of exact things I needed to be doing each day at the gym.  Sometimes this proved beneficial, mixing up the monotony of my typical routine.  However, what it really did was drive me away from the gym... for almost 3 solid months.  Why?  Because it all just became overwhelming.

{I don't really want to make this
weight loss journey any more difficult/stressful/overwhelming 
than it already is.}  

Before blogging, I would say I didn't struggle much with comparing my journey to others.  However, now that I read a lot of weight loss and fitness blogs, I have found myself thinking:

"Well they are doing 5 days/week at the gym, I need to do the same!  They are doing all these weight moves and cardio intervals, I need to do the same!  Otherwise, I'm not really measuring up in this 'weight loss community' and I'm not going to achieve 'real' results."

At this point in my life right now, I want simple.  I know that walking works.  I proved that to myself as a sophomore in college, when I lost 50 lbs, bringing me to my lowest adult weight ever.

By no means am I saying that you should just walk or run and nix the rest of the exercise choices.  No.  Lifting weights can be fun and obviously provides great health benefits.

But, if you're finding yourself overwhelmed at the thought of all there is to do at the gym, try starting simply first.  It really has made all the difference for me.      

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Posted by: Tukiyooo Exercising for YOU Updated at : 6:10 AM
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

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