I just have to blurt this out because I can hardly contain the excitement I have for this week's weight in!

I lost 1.7 lbs, bringing me down to 242.7!!!

242.7 is a record low weight since I've started this journey in March 2011.  Not only that, BUT I have now removed 21.1 pounds of weight.  AND, now that I've met another 10 pound goal, a giveaway is fast approaching!  AND, now that I've met another smaller goal, I get to buy my VB bag & Pandora Charm.  Stay tuned :).  

These are the potential charm choices:

 Inner Strength
Pink Flowers Bead
Pink Polka Dots
Lavender Candy Stripe
I'd like to add some color to my bracelet, so that is why I am so heavy on the glass beads.  Your thoughts?

This is the bag I'm looking at:

Side by Side Tote - Rhythm & Blues

I'm so incredibly proud of myself, especially after this week's events.  After the cookie meltdown, I tried hard to stay within my 39 Points+ this week, and did really well on both Wednesday and Thursday, not evening consuming all 39.  That's okay though, because I definitely went over my Weekly Points+ again despite the goals I set. 

Here's what happened with last week's weekly goals:
Goals for the week:
Stay within daily Points+ allowance for 5 of the 7 days. - I achieved 2 of the 7 days.  Not superb.

Potential Challenges + Solutions:
  1. Weekend lunch date with the ladies.  I was proud of how I did with this, eating only half the sandwich and a few fries.
  2. Cookie Madness.  I definitely indulged not only that night, but one other night later this week.  *Sigh*  Moving on...
Planned Activity:
I went to the gym on Wednesday and did 37  minutes on the elliptical.  I'll take it!  I earned 4 Activity Points+ and was pleased with that effort, even if I didn't meet my goal of 2 days (though totally doable, someone is just l-a-z-y!).

Here are my new goals for the week.

Goals for the week:
Stay within daily Points+ allowance for 5 of the 7 days. If I have to delve in to the Weekly Points+ allowance, I want to use no more than 39 of them, leaving a balance of 10.

Potential Challenges + Solutions:
  1. Office Holiday Happy Hour: There will be drinking and eating.  Thankfully most of the food being served  I don't like.  To combat this I plan to eat my lunch before the HH (it starts at 12).  I will definitely want to have a drink, but will try to limit it to no more than 2-3.
  2. Going over daily Points+ allowance:  I struggle with this every week.  Rarely am I ever able to achieve a perfect week of staying within my daily Points+.  You know why?  Poor planning.  As they say, without a plan, plan to fail.  What I need to do to stay on track is make sure my breakfasts/lunches are packed the night before.  Also, I need to make sure I have plenty of healthful snacks, including 0 Points+ fruits/vegetables to snack on when I have cravings and 0 Points+ left for the day.  
Planned Activity:
I wrote up an activity schedule for the week, but realizing that I have to reacclimate myself to getting back to the gym, I'm going to aim for 2 days of the gym this week again.  If I do more, then it will be a bonus.  Also, I tried out that new feature on eTools where it gives you a weekly Activity Points+ to work toward, and mine is 14.  I'm going to try to reach that this week in whatever way I can.

What are your weekend plans?  I still need to get some Christmas shopping done.  Joel and I are going to check out a wedding venue on Saturday, and we're going to take our Christmas card picture as well.  I'm so behind this year :(.  It's making me crazy!
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Posted by: Tukiyooo Weigh In & Weekly Goals Updated at : 8:53 AM
Friday, December 9, 2011

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