I'll get the sad parts out of the way first.

I've been doing a LOT of eating over the last several days, and I can feel the affects.  Next year I will have to come up with a better game plan if I'm going to do all that baking.  Not only that, but I will have to institute a better strategy for all of the Christmas-related parties I've attended.  I talked with my WW leader, Sharon, about it this last Wednesday.  She suggested that I only pick 1-2 holiday parties to "indulge" and the rest need to involve conscientious eating.  Let's just say I'm glad to be home the rest of this week so I can detox and get myself back to a better way of eating.

How did you do with Christmas/Hanukkah/whatever you celebrate?  I'm already planning the NYE menu so there are no slip ups there.

On to better things...

As usual, God blessed me in many ways this Christmas.  For one, I got to spend time with my own family (and my parents are arriving today from Pennsylvania for the rest of the week) AND Joel's family for Christmas.  We did a lot of driving between PA, MD and VA, but it was worth it.  Additionally, I received some awesome gifts and was able to give some pretty great gifts as well.  Each year I strive for the "gift of the year" (a phrase I started giving to what I thought was the best gift I was able to give someone each year), and this year is no different.  Let's just say I'm looking forward to seeing my father's reaction when he opens his brand new Wii :).

For now, I'm only going to share one of my favorite Christmas gifts so far.

I got this beauty from Joel...

Nikon D3100
Two years ago for Christmas, Joel got me the Nikon Coolpix L100 (below) as a transitional camera from the point and shoot to the DSLR.

I loved that camera but there were limitations, and as one of my goals, I planned to buy the D3100 as a reward.  I was VERY surprised when I unwrapped this gem of a gift... I cannot wait to learn all about it!

I'm going to leave you all with this picture of my work outfit from last Wednesday.  I call this my "Ariana outfit" :).  Ariana - if you're reading this, notice how I'm also utilizing the work restroom to snap the pic ;).  I will admit that I wasn't initially feeling the look of this outfit at all - I was slightly uncomfortable in the belt (not because it was too tight, I just felt like it didn't look right).  I must have been wrong though because all day long people complimented me on the "awesome outfit".  Thanks for the inspiration Ariana!  If you don't read Fatale Fashion already, go over there right away and see what fashion finds Ariana has on display - she's so cute and has such a great fashion sense for gals like us :).

Just like Ariana does, I'll post where I got the items I'm wearing... though keep in mind I do not have current prices on any of the stuff because it was purchased so long ago.

  • Sweater - White Stag - Walmart
  • Black and White Polka Dot Shirt - Lane Bryant Outlet
  • Belt - Walmart
  • Silver Necklace - Ten Thousand Villages
  • Black Dress Pants - Lane Bryant
Are you still off from work this week, or are you back to the grind already?  I'm working at home 2 days this week and spending time with my parents the other 2.
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Posted by: Tukiyooo Merry Christmas + Week Recap! Updated at : 12:18 PM
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

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