Happy Monday!

It was another busy weekend, which was kicked off on Friday afternoon by meeting up with Gretchen from Honey, I Shrunk the Gretchen.   SO cool meeting a blogger in real life!  Have you ever done this before?  I had some La Croix waters that I wanted to pawn off onto someone, and I knew she loved these so I offered them up to her.  We met at a cutsie coffee shop in the area and got to know each other a little bit.  Some things about Gretchen's blog that I enjoy are: her sense of humor, her writing style, and her pictures (she's so good!).  If you're a dog lover, her 2 pups make frequent appearances.  Also, let's not forget how much of an inspiration she is -  having lost over 50 lbs! 

Saturday was spent with Joel's family, celebrating his grandfather's 80th birthday at this REALLY cool retirement community called Leisureworld.  So wild!  It's like a piece of Florida in Maryland for older folks. 

Since I now have another commitment on Wednesday evenings, I had to change my WW meeting day to Sunday (well, in order to stay with my awesome leader, Sharon).  So, I headed out Sunday morning to a very intimate meeting at 10 AM.  I really enjoyed it - sometimes I prefer the smaller crowds.  This week's meeting topic was about Thanksgiving and how we're going to plan our plate.  I came away with some great tips:

  1. Fill at least half the plate with fruits and/or vegetables.  Then the other half gets divided into two parts - 1 for meat and 1 for whatever indulgence you want to have.
  2. Be active before or after the meal.  This year, I'd like to find a local "turkey trot" in the area to attend.  If that's not possible, then I need to hit the gym or do a walk/run around my neighborhood.   
  3. If eating in a buffet setting, do a "first pass" of all the dishes, and then go back and pick only what you REALLY want to eat.
  4. If you don't like something on your plate, don't eat it!

This year I'd like to bring a dish to both meals (I have Thanksgiving at two families) that is "safe" for me to eat.  I'm thinking a dessert, since I'd rather eat dessert than eat the actual meal, believe it or not.  Pumpkin pie is my absolute favorite! 

After WW, I attended church for the first time since moving back to Virginia.  The place I chose was just "ok" for me.  I'll keep trying out some others in the area until I find a place that feels right. 

Finally, after church, I spent all afternoon and into the evening cooking for the week. 

How did you spend your weekend?  Any special, Points+ friendly dishes you plan to make for Thanksgiving?
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Posted by: Tukiyooo Weekend Recap Updated at : 4:28 PM
Monday, November 14, 2011

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