It seemed like I spent the better part of October not feeling well in some shape or form.  I'm ready to start the month of November off on a better foot!

I had a great weekend visiting my niece and nephew in the Motherland.  We did pumpkin carving and spent plenty of time coloring and playing with Play-Doh.  Joel found a "Barbie Princess" app on the iPad that had Grace enamored for hours.  She is 3 years old and had NO problem learning how to navigate the iPad - amazing!
a recreation of Dinosaur Train (if you have little ones, you probably know
what this means)
the "Barbie" game
Rexon's, Grace's, Tiffany's, Vern's
One of my challenges with heading to my sister's for the weekend was how I was going to stay "on plan".  It was definitely a lot easier this time, mainly in due part to Joel's support.  Neither of us wanted to go off plan.  I counted and tracked diligently all weekend.  Even though we did get pizza on Friday night, I tracked it and felt a lot better about eating it.  Typically I wouldn't track it at all out of frustration of not knowing exactly how many Points+ the pizza was (seems counter-productive, this I now know).  I estimated as best I could, accepted the estimate and moved on.  Saturday night my sister and bro-in-law went out to dinner, so Joel made us a WW friendly meal of mac/cheese with broccoli (a recipe from e-Tools).  It wasn't bad for 7 Points+.

On Sunday, we stayed long enough to get the majority of the pumpkin carving done before we headed out on our long trek back to Virginia.  We were both ready for the drive to be over, but we had to drop my car off at the dealership - the heater was not working, which made for a challenging weekend spent up north where it actually snowed in October!

Monday morning, as I was waking up to prepare for the work day, I started to not feel well.  It started off with....plenty of bathroom visits, shall I say, but ended with throwing up.  Of course, I felt better afterward like you always do, but not 10 minutes later the stomach sickness came back full force and I was sick alllll day long.  I have never been sick like this in my adult life (except from hangovers).  It was awful.  I spent the greater part of Monday in bed with severe stomach pain, which eventually developed into a splitting headache.  All of this was so bad I couldn't get relaxed enough to even fall asleep.  By Tuesday, I was feeling much better, but still a little queasy and today (Wednesday) I feel better yet, but am still struggling with an appetite.  Quick! I need to note somewhere that I actually said I have no appetite!  Believe it or not, I can count on 1 hand the things I've eaten since Monday.   

Either way, I'm back to feeling moderately better, though I plan to visit the Urgent Care center tonight after work because I've been experiencing heart palpitations since the sickness ensued.  I usually only get these when I consume caffeine or lots of chocolate, but it's been kind of crazy since Monday, so I want to go get checked out.  I'll let you know how it all pans out!

Happy Wednesday!

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Posted by: Tukiyooo Sick...Again Updated at : 9:09 AM
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

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