How convenient 

Former Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou had the courage to stand up against the “establishment”, invoking democracy via a popular referendum on Euro zone bailout, but was viciously reprimanded by the entire Euro Zone Technocrats, for Merkoyz (Merkel and Sarkozy) could not allow Greece to oppose the bailout Merkoyz (a term created by Pepe Escoba, a journalist from Asian Times) and their Franco – German banks intend to impose on Greece. 

Should Papandreou go ahead with the referendum, Greece was threatened to be expelled from the EU, which de facto results in blackmailing Greece into submission, for who cares about the Greek people living under a de facto protectorate and losing over 50% of their standard of living, so foreign banks can be repaid? Who cares about Greece still buried under an - unsustainable - debt of 120% of their gross domestic product still by 2021?
So in the end Papandreou had to give in to the bureaucratic vultures at the European Commission, reject the popular referendum and resign in order for the financial establishment to push for “one of their own” to take over the reins in Greece, namely former deputy head of the European Central Bank, Lucas Papademos. How convenient? Now the “banksters” interests are protected and the banks can be bailed out. Where are we heading in Europe?

Feeling the pulse of the People
Below are some comments made by “common people” from the German speaking part of Europe regarding the apparent appointment of former deputy head of the European Central Bank, Lucas Papademos as next Prime Minister of Greece.

……..Former IMF staff, former ECB staff, former staff member of the Boston Fed, a member of the "Trilateral Commission" - a perfect Globalist pack. World Government FTW………

Not even a protest from Papandreou helps: state and people are disempowered. Solely the banksters are now calling the shots. This is a very worrying development away from democracy!

In that case even Samaras  is better as prime minister than this puppet Papademos who is another marionette of the IMF

Former President of the ECB ... this indicates how “public friendly:” he will govern. Usually it's vice versa, policy-makers first serve a bank (Merkel for Deutsche Bank) and then change into the bank. Here we have a banker, who goes into politics, what interest will he defend, those of banks or those of the people?? You don’t need to be a rocket scientist to know the answer, and we put up with all this!!! It’s pure Madness. We can already prepare ourselves for record payments to Greece and finally write off our education system due to lack of money for interest payments to the German bank.

In regards to last comment see related links:

Banking institutions are more dangerous than standing armies

Dateline Greece: Goldman, Just Pay Up

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Posted by: Tukiyooo Greece Updated at : 2:45 AM
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

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