A few weeks ago I read a reader's comment on No Thanks to Cake that I found very inspiring.

Mel was talking about her struggle with emotional eating, and she shared her mantra in the comments section:

"If hunger is not the problem, then eating is not the answer."

I should print that quote out and hang it on the fridge.  And in the food pantry while I'm at it!

I've talked before about emotional eating and how it is really my main struggle when it comes to food.  I find myself eating for these emotions: sadness, frustration, loneliness, and boredom.  I know this concept is not new to anyone - many of us struggle with this!  But the key, as with everything else in life, is how you handle it.  Through reading the Beck Diet Solution (which by the way, I have yet to finish), I realized that I can deal with these emotions without using food as the vehicle.  I can busy myself with other things - surfing the internet, reading a book, reaching for water instead of food, etc - and just generally repeating to myself that "Hilary, you're not hungry.  You don't need to eat away your emotions just because you're feeling sad.  Go do something else that you won't regret later!".  I learned this through one exercise in the book, even if I do feel those pangs of hunger, I will be able to eat soon enough - it's not like I'm going to starve if I don't eat within a few minutes of feeling those pangs.

Another quote I wanted to share is from Roni @ Roni's Weigh.  It was from her video post last week.  In no uncertain terms, she basically stated this:

"Live the life you want to live in the body you have NOW."

How many of you are putting off things you want to do for yourself "when you get skinny" - Show of hands?  Me too.  I'll use the simplest example that applies to me.  Let's take clothing.  On one hand I tell myself that I'm not buying new clothes because I've spent a lot of money on clothes in the past that I grew out of - both because I lost weight and because I gained it.  So I end up wearing a lot of the same stuff over and over again.  And eventually, it makes me feel bad about myself.  I can only style a sweater or a top so many different ways (with my limited fashion knowledge).  And I also find that the best clothes I do own are mainly work clothes. So when it comes time for the weekend and Joel and I go out and do things, I have about 3 shirts in rotation, and 2 of them are several years old.  But I have refused to buy new clothes because I don't want to waste money dressing this body.  It's almost as though I feel like my body doesn't deserve to look nice in clothes because I'm not a thinner version of myself.  Also, how "nice" can a fat person really look?  Does that make sense?  Well, you might say it doesn't make sense because it's a whack sense of logic, but really, do you see what I'm trying to say?

But recently, even prior to watching this video today, I realized exactly what Roni was saying.  There is no telling how long my weight loss journey is going to be.  Or, let's really be honest here - there is no telling how long we have on this Earth!  And while I'm on this journey, I still deserve to feel good about myself as much as I can, even if I'm not close to where I want to be.  I still deserve to buy nice clothes for myself and try to feel pretty, even if they aren't the size I am working toward.  I still deserve to make friends and go to social gatherings even if I'm not of a size where I feel like I will "fit in".

I still deserve happiness, no matter what size I might be.
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Posted by: Tukiyooo Quoteable Quotes Updated at : 1:30 PM
Monday, October 24, 2011

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