

The minute Soy prices fall, “economic experts” warn of a looming crisis in Argentina. Even if Soy prices fall, Soy may be the most prominent commodity but clearly not the sole one Argentina exports. (See http://news-these-days.blogspot.com/2011/07/share-of-cake.html ). It seems that these so called experts humbly reiterate what they are told to say by commodity lobbyists.
Speculators and the stock exchange may alter commodity prices but this does not change the fact that CHINA and as well as the rest of the World still needs to be fed, thus export of food commodity will continue.   


When reading “corporate” US and EUROPEAN media one cannot avoid detecting a certain jealousy regarding LATAM (LATIN AMERICAS_ economic growth and increased economic ties between LATAM and ASIA, especially CHINA. Could it be that the EUROPEANS lacked foresight regarding CHINA and ASIA and now try to recover lost terrain? EUROPEAN – US entities such as the Paris Club, IMF and the World Bank don’t miss a chance to paint a bleak picture on LATAM and its economy in order to shake the fragile markets, where in reality the economic outlook is everything but bleak in these parts of the world.

In recent past TURKEY has become a major player on the world stage, both geopolitical as well as Geo- strategically and to some extent economically. TURKEYS far sight on current geopolitical developments are showcased once more as it wittily focuses on advantages it could gain from developing economic ties and defense agreements with BRAZIL. Both countries pledged to increase cooperation’s in the construction industry as well as natural resource extraction and last but not least the defense industry.  

Amidst the current global shake up, TURKEY and BRAZIL are among countries that continue growing and thus could even push the G-20 group to revise its economic policies. TURKEY and BRAZIL’S economic capacities could be utilized to expand relations and find options to ease the effects of the current worldwide economic situation.  

That TURKEY is flexing its muscle in the MIDDLE EAST is a fact and thus it comes as no surprise that the rift with its neighbor Iran is growing. As mentioned previously in my blog (http://news-these-days.blogspot.com/2011/08/saudia-arabia-usa-turkey-versus-iran.html ), the new alignments between TURKEY, SAUDI ARABIA and the USA versus IRAN, SYRIA, RUSSIA and CHINA will cause for tens times in the region.  

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Posted by: Tukiyooo GEOPOLITICS Argentina Updated at : 7:21 AM
Sunday, October 9, 2011

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