At least I'm sitting upright, and not in the bathroom. I ate breakfast about an hour ago and feel really nauseous and slightly dizzy. The room isn't spinning out of control, but I don't feel good.

I'm staying home from work today. I tried to read a few work emails this morning and just scrolling through them made me feel nauseous.

If you haven't figured it out by now, the one thing in this world I really hate is being dizzy and nauseous. Its one of the reasons I've never been a big drinker. I can't stand the feeling of drinking too much alchohol. That's exactly how I feel right now, like I drank I drank a lot of hard liquor. I've had maybe two glasses of wine in the last six months.

I've been eating really healthy for months (or is that years), with a few Ambien-induced slips, but usually on healthy food (except that piece of cheesecake and potato chips last week - yuk, cheesecake - the thought makes me want to throw up!).

I'm guessing this is just some stomach bug I picked up somewhere and not something I ate. I thought it might have been my fresh organic baby spinach in my blackberry smoothie yesterday morning, but I've been eating the same brand for months. It's pre-washed and I think it's safe. I don't cook it, but maybe I should steam it a little before I put it in my smoothie (that is, if I ever have a green monster smoothie again - that thought makes me want to hurl too).

My plan for today is lots of water and very little food. Only because whenever I eat anything it makes me feel really sick. I'm thinking about going to the store and buying saltines. That's right, white flour and salt. I really don't care at this moment about healthy, whole-grains. I just want something to calm down my stomach.

No gym yesterday, although Saturday was one of my best workouts ever. Somehow I managed 61 minutes of "vigorous" activity according to my BodyMedia. Getting even a minute of vigorous activity is difficult since it has to be 6 METS or more, which usually means at least jogging at 4.5 or higher on the treadmill.

I was on the elliptical and I think it helped that a coworker and friend of mine was on the elliptical next to me. He's a guy and about 20 years younger than me. I was working super hard to keep my heart rate up in the 140 range (131 is my 80% HR).

I still totally love my new Polar FT60 (it was 50% off at Amazon and it's really magenta, not purple). I finally ordered the Flowlink for it, which will enable me to download my workouts to my computer. I didn't think I needed that, but I've since changed my mind. I guess I'm sort of a gadget geek. 

I also ordered a frozen yogurt maker at the same time (really need to go back to work and stay there so I stop buying stuff!). I tried making frozen Greek yogurt bars using Stevia (NuNaturals--the only brand I like). It tasted great, but the texture was weird.

I was buying Yasso frozen Greek yogurt bars at Costco, but it was hit and miss on whether they had them in stock. Usually a miss. I love Costco, but if you find something you like, you're never guaranteed it'll be the the next time. The Yasso bars also didn't have any fiber because I'm sure they strain out the fruit pulp to make the bars creamy like ice cream. I liked the chunks of fruit in mine, but there wasn't anything creamy about them. The Yasso also contain a stabilizer with guar gum, locust bean gum, carrageenan, and soy lecithin. I looked all these items up and they're all plant based ingredients, not chemicals. I'd still prefer my own homemade bars, where I can control what's in them...Greek Yogurt, preferably Fage 0%( although I tried Costco's brand of Greek yogurt - didn't like it), fresh or frozen fruit and NuNaturals Stevia. Three ingredients.

All this talk about food is making me feel sick. I looked at a few blogs this morning and the ones with pictures of food, I couldn't even look at them.

My weight was 179.2, but I know that's just because I've been sick. Not eating much and living in the bathroom. I'm pretty sure one good meal will shoot it right back up to 181-182, where I've been sitting for a couple weeks.

The sun is shining. I might try to go for a walk. I think the gym isn't a possibility today. The thought of the elliptical sort of makes me feel seasick.

I'm sounding more and more like an old person. Constantly complaining about my aches and pains. I promise, my next post will be strictly about health and weight loss. I'm even getting bored with my health issues.

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Posted by: Tukiyooo Still not back to normal Updated at : 11:05 AM
Monday, September 19, 2011

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