It wasn't a great weekend..... for my sports teams!  Penn State, the Dallas Cowboys, and Jeff Gordon all lost their respective sports on Saturday/Sunday.  Even my secondary NFL team from the Motherland, the Stillers, took a beating to the..... ugh..... Baltimore Ravens.  I'm not sure which team has the worst fans, the Ravens or the Eagles?  At one time I even heard the Baltimore fans cheering "Steelers suck! Steelers suck!"... such poor sportsmanship.  I don't like that kind of conduct.  I wouldn't even do that to the dreadful Ohio State team! ;)

I had a great weekend otherwise.  I learned that even though it's a Friday night, the muscle-ly men are still at the gym .  Shouldn't they be out showing off their bodies?  But, Sunday evenings are so much better.  Even though I prefer to keep Sunday as it's intended 'day of rest', Joel and I did a quick NROLFW workout after his Redskins actually won a game ;) (p.s. in the past I keep messing this acronym up and putting NROLW - whatevs :) ).  

So on to the Beck Challenge hosted at the Priorfatgirl.com:

Day 15 - Monitor Your Eating - Every day at a time we specify, we need to be creating a food plan to follow for the next day.  Then, we check off the food as we eat it the next day.  I did good with creating the food plan on the weekdays, but failed at it on the weekends. The weekends are less structured, as is my eating - I don't always eat at the same times on the weekends as I do on the weekdays, and it's harder for me to plan what to eat ahead of time.

Day 16 - Prevent Unplanned Eating
- Pretty self explanatory here.  You should only eat what is on your daily food plan/menu and not digress from that.  I did stray from this twice last week. I had two Pumpkin Spice Latte's on both Tuesday and Thursday when I only planned to have one.  In this case, you write down the unplanned food in your food journal and circle it.  Then at the end of the day you can easily see how you measured up.

Day 17 - End Overeating - Beck suggests taking one or two meals where you over load your plate with food, and then not eat the extra.  By doing this, you are strengthening your "resistance muscle" and practicing not over eating.  I am too afraid to overload my plate. I have yet to do this experiment. I'm going to, I'm just not ready yet. I've been doing well over the last few weeks with weight loss and I don't want to shoot myself in the foot.

Day 18 - Change Your Definition of Full - Bascially, don't eat until you feel uncomfortably full or stuffed.  Don't eat because you don't want to waste the food, thereby wasting money.  Those are just some examples of people's definitions of feeling "full".  I try to combat feeling full by ensuring I portion out my food. Now, what I am learning is that just because I have the Points+ for the food, doesn't mean I have to eat it if I'm not actually even hungry. I do this A LOT - I eat just because I can (i.e. I have enough Points+) when I really don't need to.

Day 19 - Stop Fooling Yourself - This goes hand in hand with Day 16 in my opinion. I need to ingrain in my mind/build up my resistance muscle with "If it's not on my daily eating plan, then I'm not eating it!".  This whole concept simply means to stop making excuses for yourself as to why you're over eating.  For example, "I'm going to eat these cookies because if I don't, I might make Sally feel bad."

Day 20 - Get Back on Track - How many times do you eat something you didn't plan on eating, only to allow it to spiral out of control (i.e. "Well, I already blew it by having this 1 doughnut, I might as well keep going with whatever I want and then I'll start again tomorrow/next week/next month/next year")?  What I have come to find lately is that sometimes when I think I have gone "off the deep end", it's actually not as bad as I think.  When I actually track the food I ate (unplanned of course), it's really not as bad as I expected afterall. This helps me stop myself from going further down a self-sabotaging road of eating more and more. I've decided I will draw a line in my food journal at any point I go off track to serve as a visual that I will stop and eat normally my next meal - NOT the next day/week/month, etc.
 Priorfatgirl Jen mailed me a cool bracelet for being a Beck Challenge participant.
don't mind the Halloween cat backdrop :)
Then I proceeded to bring the kitty kitties in on the Big Weight action...

Charles: "I hate when you take pictures of me."

Merlin: "What is this thing you are pointing at me?!"
It's too bad Merlin wasn't standing up.  We took him to the groomer for a hair cut 3 weeks ago and he got the only cut they do - the lion cut.  When he stands up, he's got an all-over shaved body with the little pom-pom tail and booties for his legs.  So funny and so girly - especially on him!

Oh wait... you're not here for the cat pics.

Don't forget to enter my giveaway for a $10 Starbucks giftcard!
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Posted by: Tukiyooo Beck Diet Solution: Week 3 Updated at : 1:30 PM
Monday, September 12, 2011

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