Happy Monday!

My weekend was filled with grocery shopping, hanging out with friends, and a cooking affair on Sunday. 

Saturday I was up fairly early and out the door by 8 AM to get my start at grocery shopping.  On this week's menu is chili with cornbread muffins, a healthier recreation of Chipotle's burrito bowl, and fettuccine with bolognese sauce. 

Once I got home from all 3 grocery stores (they don't all have everything I want in one store), I planned to have a snack and then start on the New Rules of Lifting workout.  My snack for the past few days has been awesome.  I've been eating the reduced fat Townhouse Crackers by Keebler, with some Laughing Cow Light Swiss Cheese and a piece of Hormel Turkey Pepperoni

delicious and filling!
After all that yummy in my tummy, I began on Workout A.  I was proud of myself for sticking to a workout I planned for a weekend day.  As much as I'd love to rearrange my workouts to happen on the weekends when I feel I have more time, it just seems easier for me to talk myself out of it when the time comes.  But I stayed true to my goal, and while I was standing outside doing the bonus workout at the end (2 workouts, as many times as you can for each one), a very thin, younger, and pretty woman walked by with her dog smoking a cigarette and she told me "Great job on working out.....*laugh* as I stand here smoking a cigarette!  That's what I need to be doing!"  I have to go outside to do the Step Ups because I actually need something to step up onto (go figure! :) ), and so we've been using the curb.  Joel hates this though - he gets all embarrassed.  I actually don't care - I mean look!  I even got a compliment! 

So while I achieved my fitness goal for the weekend, I didn't do so hot Saturday night when we hung out with friends.  I actually didn't think these plans were ever going to come to fruition because we never heard back from the people planning the get together until just 2 hours before we actually met up.  As a result, I went ahead and ate dinner around 6 PM and figured the night was coming to an end.  However, we ended up getting together at 8:30 PM for a very late dinner.  Of course, I wasn't planning on eating because I already ate earlier.  Then we got there and suddenly I was "hungry".  It was a sushi restaurant, which is not something I eat.  And the only other thing on the menu was tempura chicken....and lots of Miller Lite.  Eh, it is what is is.

I was happy for a great night out with friends though - this is not something Joel and I get to partake in very often because of his conflicting work schedule.  We had a lot of fun!

Sunday I spent the entire day making the dinners for the week.  Stay tuned for some awesome recipes!
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Posted by: Tukiyooo Weekend Recap Updated at : 1:07 PM
Monday, August 22, 2011

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