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FMM: The Driving Force

What is the driving force behind your weight-loss?

I really liked today's topic from All the Weigh.  I think it's important to remind myself why I am doing this whole weight loss thing in the first place.  

The overall driving force behind me trying to lose weight is so that I can truly feel like I am living life to it's fullest with confidence.  There are kind of 2 parts to that answer.  

First I'll address the confidence part.  I believe that if I was thinner, I would have more confidence to take a stand for things in my day to day life.  For example, I don't often put myself out there at work because I just don't feel confident in myself.  However, I'm not talking about waving a magic wand and suddenly I'm thin and instilled with all of this confidence.  No.  I'm saying that I know once I lose this weight, I will know that I can achieve anything I set my mind to because of the sheer challenge that this weight loss has been for me.   

The next thing to address is living life to it's fullest.  There are a lot of things I haven't done in the past because of my weight.  This is because I just didn't feel adequate enough as a person to participate in those things, or because I didn't want to embarrass myself in front of many other people I know if, for example, I couldn't fit in a seat or something like that.  This issue even goes down to the more superficial things - like the desire to wear clothes that are more age appropriate for me, as well as stylish.  By avoiding social opportunities or not having the ability to dress how I really want to - I'm not living life to it's fullest.

So, what is your driving force behind your weight loss mission?
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Posted by: Tukiyooo Friend Making Monday: The Driving Force Updated at : 6:00 AM
Monday, August 15, 2011

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