It's time for me to check in on how I did at meeting my goals for the month of July, and then figure out what I'm going to do for August.  Perhaps I should rephrase that last part: "I need to make some actual achievable goals for August - ones that are so simple I know I can meet them! I need a confidence boost!" 

1. Go to the gym 5 days a week.  This will consist of 40 minutes of cardio and 1 day per week of weight lifting. I made it to the gym on average 3-4 days a week.  I'm not sure that I ever did 5.

2. Meet my first 10lb goal. I can do this.  I'm 7 pounds away.  I. will. do. this. I. didn't. do. this.

3. Plan my meals.  By doing this, it will help me stay within my daily Points+ range.  Also, it will help me start going through my cookbooks, as is another goal of mine.   I actually started off strong with this goal and did 2 solid weeks of meal planning for 5 days.  It helped initially.  Then I got busy and didn't make time to meal plan.

4. Take my lunch to work every day.  I do a very good job at this, especially lately. 

5. Divvy up my Points+ balance for each meal and stick to it.  I have a tendency to just eat whatever I want when I want, regardless of the Points+ value.  Sometimes this works to my benefit, most times it does not.  I plan to use a variation of Christina's method and see how that works for me:
I get a total of 41 Points+ per day.  They will be divided out as follows:
  • Breakfast: 10 Points+
  • A.M. Snack: 5 Points+
  • Lunch: 10 Points+
  • P.M. Snack: 5 Points+
  • Dinner: 11 Points+
This actually worked well for me.  It helped me to break down my day into chunks and focus on those chunks so that I didn't go overboard.  I felt initially that eating 10 Points+ for my main meals was just too much food.  However, I found that when I would eat, let's say, 5 Points+ for breakfast, and start throwing myself off of that plan up above, I would go overboard because I lacked a true structure.  I also found that even though I felt like eating 10 Points+ for breakfast was too much, it kept me full longer.  ALSO, I found that when 7 of my breakfast Points+ are not including my Starbucks chai, I feel a whole lot more satisfied!

Here's what I'm going to do for August:

1. Print out and post my goals on my desk at work and on the fridge.  Let's face it, I type these goals up on my blog, and then I forget about most of them.  If I have them front and center, in my face each day, then surely that will help remind me what I should be focusing on.

2.  Begin the New Rules of Lifting for Women Challenge offered by Jen at the Priorfatgirl.com.  I've been wanting to include weight lifting into my daily gym routine, and this challenge could not have come at a better time.

3.  Incorporate 1 fruit and 1 vegetable into each meal every single day, and keep track of how often I meet this goal.  Ultimately the goal here is to add 1 additional fruit and veg each month so that I'm meeting the Good Health Guidelines from WW.  But I'm going to start small.

4. Keep track of how many days I attended the gym, for how long, and what I did while there.

5. Track and stay on plan at least 5 days per week - and actually keep track of whether or not I've done this.  I cannot let my weekend start on Friday and end on Monday. 

Weight loss is continuing to be a huge challenge for me each and every day.  It sucks. I'm not too proud of myself right now at all.
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Posted by: Tukiyooo August Goals Updated at : 6:27 PM
Monday, August 1, 2011

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