I've been meaning to do a review of this cool little device I purchased a little over a month ago called the MyTrak. Well, perhaps because of this neglectful attempt of a review, the MyTrak decided to take a hike from my hip!

As I was standing in the Metro station yesterday waiting for the train, I touched my hand to my hip - a customary practice of mine since wearing the MyTrak - I'm constantly checking it to see if I've achieved "green" for the day (more on this in another post). My heart dropped when I realized it was gone.... Shoot! This little baby cost me over $150 (by the time you buy it and the membership - it's a pricey investment). Honestly, I figured I was screwed and I immediately accepted that the MyTrak was gone - what is the sense in worrying about it? Yes, it cost me a pretty chunk of change, but this strange calm came over me. Normally my blood would immediately start boiling over and the "Pritt" would come out (a play on my last name - i.e. the term we use when my father gets upset!) Still, it could be ANYWHERE - panicking and letting this ruin my day was not going to help. Also, I didn't feel like leaving the station to go retrace my steps - I just accepted that it was gone. I'd figure out how I was going to move on from it later.

As I boarded the train, I began thinking about when I last remembered having it. I knew I had it around 2 PM yesterday, but I had been all over the office between 2 PM and 4 PM by the time I left for home. I figured I'd just let it go and look for it in the office Wednesday morning when I got in. Then, I quickly remembered that the cleaning crew comes in at night, and I didn't want it getting taken or thrown out by one of them. I immediately called and texted 3 of my coworkers to check the area around my desk and our conference room. Low and behold my friend Sarah found it! THANK YOU JESUS! I will never neglect you again my little, pink computer on my hip!

Disaster averted, and the little lady is back with me today, snug against my hip once again. Phew! I need to get insurance on this thing - is that even possible?

Today is my second weigh in since going back to Weight Watchers meetings. I don't like weigh in's with clothes on... and at the END of the day, instead of the beginning! But I can't exactly strip down to my birthday suit for the meetings ;)... clothes it is!

While I'm still considering Friday's to be my official weigh in day (with Joel and on our home scale), I like the idea of having the WWM in the middle of the week to help keep me accountable. It's like a little pick-me-up to keep me on track until Friday. I am definitely looking forward to another fulfilling meeting tonight.

As a side note, I'm still continuing my cooking challenge at a rapid pace - I've been cooking and baking through 2 of my cookbooks like a crazy woman. And while this blog is for me to work through my weight loss issues, the recipes I post are for the audience in case you want to try them out on your own. Are you even interested in seeing the recipes I make, or should I just post pics and not the recipes? Do you even care about the food at all? Let me know your thoughts - I enjoy constructive criticism!
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Posted by: Tukiyooo Disaster Averted! Updated at : 7:51 AM
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

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