The notorious inability of the EU to find a common political consensus on pressing subject such as the current dept crisis management, immigration policies, unified air traffic control, to name but a few, reflect on the inability to find a united approach regarding BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA (BIH) and its acceptance in the EU. Some EU countries, for historical reasons, follow their own agenda with BIH, where others seem indifferent to the developments occurring, right in front of the doorstep to EUROPE. 

This division in opinion among EU states, as how to proceed with the membership negotiations and growing rift among the 3 BOSNIAN ethnicities are the perfect constellation to further escalate the already fragile situation.
By stalling EU membership negotiations, BOSNIANS, in particularly the BOSNIAK (Muslim) entity might turn their back on the EU entirely and seek support from TURKEY and other ASIAN Muslim states. And who can blame them? TURKEY’S and most ASIAN Muslim states are far better off economically then the EU and contrary to the EU, these countries are eager to accept young educated immigrants, of which BIH has plenty off. 

The older generation of BIH grew up in an ethnic unified environment and has close ties to EUROPE because many citizens of FORMER YUGOSLAVIA immigrated to EUROPE in order to work, thus providing financial support for their relatives and families in BIH.
The Diaspora still works in favor for the old generation of FORMER YUGOSLAVIA, thus ties to EUROPE still are strong due to the economic support, but with the economic situation in EUROPE worsening rapidly, the incentive to join the EU are diminishing rapidly, even among the older generation.   

Unlike EUROPE, the BALKAN has a rather young and growing population with a large amount of disillusioned youth at disposal. Thanks to the visa regime the EU placed upon BIH after the war, for fear of mass migration, travel to EUROPE for young BOSNIANS was impossible and only contributed to the fact that the young generation of Bosnia lost its ties, identification and association with EUROPE, thus student movements in BIH, in particularly in the Muslim part of BIH, increasingly voice their anger on the prolonged EU membership negotiations and see no need to join the Union. Most young Bosnians nowadays ask the question: Who needs Europe, with its stagnating economy, increasing “Islamophobia” and hostility towards immigrants? 

TURKEY and countries such as SAUDI ARABIA, MALAYSIA, EGYPT to name but a few are investing heavily in BIH and encourage young BOSNIAKS to study in their country, providing them  job perspectives, excellent career opportunities and last but not least treat them as fellow Muslims. See also http://www.isaintel.com/2011/01/31/as-predicted-turkey-steps-in-to-help-bosnia-form-new-govt-while-spreads-disinformation-on-%E2%80%98flag-row%E2%80%99/

One should not underestimate the youth movements among the BOSNIAK entity. Currently there are no indications that the BOSNIAKS youth will turn towards Islamic fundamentalism, should however the economic situation in the country deteriorate, they could easily be the target of fundamentalist recruiting techniques and thus shake the entire political landscape in the region.     

The EU and the IC however seem to turn a blind eye on development in BIH for reasons that are not comprehendible, or as some argue, are deliberate. The “Internationals” as all foreign entities in BIH are referred to, earn vast amounts of money. Official posts such as the Office of the High Representative (OHR), OSCE chief etc are appointments which are limited to a certain period of time, thus a continuous flow of “new” ideas etc. should be imminent. On the other hand, international consultants, analysts, advisors etc. are in most cases permanent positions. Thus their objectives are to prolong the current eco - political situation in BIH, in order to continue earning high wages. Thus impartial analysis and conflict resolutions on BIH are almost none existing.   

The “Internationals” are also under the influence from lobbies who manipulate the political landscape in BIH. Milorad Dodik, the Bosnian Serb leader of the REPUBLIC SRBSKA (RS) for example uses his warmongering rhetoric’s to “play” the “Internationals” as he deems necessary to archive his political objective in the RS. There are allegations that Dodik has strong lobbies within the EU and the USA who support his cause.

Organized Crime and “grey” Economy of BIH

Last but not least, the other entity in BIH which is not interested in a solution to the Bosnian problem and its acceptance in the EU are the Organized Crime syndicates. OC and the so called “grey” economy are far too developed and infiltrated in all levels of BIH society then to be eliminating them from one day to the other.

The close proximity of the SANDZAK    (see  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sand%C5%BEak ) region, a OC stronghold and home to a BOSNIAK minority, most of whom are running their “international business” from there due to its geographic location in the Balkans and close proximity to main drugs and human trafficking routes to Europe, further stalls political as well as economic progress in BIH.  
See also:

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Posted by: Tukiyooo BOSNIA - EUROPEAN UNION’S STEPCHILD Updated at : 8:05 AM
Thursday, July 21, 2011

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