Since last Wednesday, and continuing for the next 5 weeks, my life is going to be a little hectic.  Please bare with me as the posts will most likely be few and far between for a few weeks :(. 

For starters, I spent 2 full days last week searching for a place to live.  I wanted to move before summer got started so we can enjoy the summer in a new location.  As much as I did NOT want to move back to Virginia (toooooooo many people for this country girl!), it is going to happen afterall.  The places I like to live in Maryland involve a long commute (try 1 hour, 40 minutes during rush hour at night!) and I simply could not do that to myself again.  Joel and I searched high and low for a place in the part of Maryland we live in now (about an hour door-to-door), but it's more single-family home focused (i.e. no apartments at all) and so it just did not work out for us.  We checked out a 2 bedroom condo in Virginia and we decided it was going to be the best move for us, even though we're going going, back back to V-A V-A.  So with that said, a move is going to take place mid-June, and fortunately this time I only have to pack a bedroom's worth of stuff instead of an entire apartment - the rest is already sweetly packed sitting in a storage unit.  Oh and by the way, this will be move number 11 since 2002.  Kill. Me. Now.

So what else is happening that will consume my life for the next 5 weeks? Well, I'm in school for the second time in my life, pursuing a completely different degree than the first go around from the beloved Blue & White (Bachelor of Science: Management Information Systems).  This time I'm studying nursing, and for this 6 week long summer adventure I'm learning about anatomy and physiology.  And it has already taken over my life way more than I wanted it to. 

So that's my explanation as to why I may be in and out over the next few weeks - I did not want you to think that I have fell of the Weight Watcher Wagon!  Still, I have two 5K's to blog about as well as last week's results for the HilJoe Competition, and some other little things here and there.  Stay tuned!!
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Posted by: Tukiyooo Busy Bee! Updated at : 5:28 AM
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

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