22 weeks - 2.16.11

How Far Along: 22 Weeks

Size of baby: Baby Bangert is the size of a papaya

Total Weight Gain/Loss: didn’t weigh this week

Maternity Clothes: I wear maternity jeans and pants but everything else is regular.  Things are getting tighter though!

Gender: It’s a girl!!!

Movement: She’s a busy bee in the evenings, but overall I think she is a pretty mild little girl.

Sleep: Not too bad, I get up a few times throughout the night to go to the bathroom. I guess it’s preparing me for a newborn!

What I miss: Sleeping on my stomach and a bigger selection of clothes!

Cravings: I don't have specific cravings. I just like to eat! ;) I don’t think ice cream counts, I love that anytime!

Symptoms: Really can’t complain! Feeling pretty well!

Best Moment this week: The warming weather & getting some exercise outside!

Today is actually the start of 23 weeks, but I wanted to get this up (even if it’s late!). It’s a rare day in Iowa in February today…the high is 72 degrees! Cannot wait till after work to take a walk outside. I have been pretty lazy in the exercise department and I can really tell! So my goal for my 23rd week is to exercise 3 times for at least 30 minutes. Hold me to it friends!

PS. A HUGE shout-out to 2 of my sisters, they joined WW and are doing awesome! Can’t wait to get back to the meetings after baby! I’m so curious about the new plan.

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Posted by: Tukiyooo 22 weeks Updated at : 12:33 PM
Thursday, February 17, 2011

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