2010 was a great year, filled with accomplishments, trips, additions, and much more! Sit back & enjoy my year in review!

January I started back on track…for the millionth time! ;) In my mind that is a great accomplishment in itself, making the commitment to get back on track!

February was a great OP month! And we have squeezed in a trip to see Kyle’s sister & her hubby in the windy city, Chicago!DSC06084DSC06147

March marked the 7th year in a row I made the trip to Florida to see my Grampo (pronounced Gram-poo) and sister, Wendi, over spring break. Click here to see Day 1 and if you want to see more Florida posts, just click “newer post” at the bottom of the page. DSC06463DSC06543

April was my first race of the year! It was a 5K in a small local town. I finished in 28:38, not a PR, but still a great time!DSC07015

May marked a big change in the Bangert house, Kyle left his job. It took lots of careful thought & consideration over a very long period of time, but we decided you cannot put a price on time off. No amount of money is worth what he was doing. And he started back to school full time. Click here to read more. DSC07141

It was Kyle’s golden birthday, he turned 26 on the 26th! I was super sneaky and threw my main man a surprise golden birthday party!DSC07364

June started out with a work trip to Austin, TX! I think we did more recreation that work things though, ssshhh! ;)DSC07420

I squeezed in a few runs exploring downtown!IMG00037-20100530-0722

And tried a few new things, including alligator! ;)DSC07487

In June I also ran my first 20K, the Dam to Dam in Des Moines. The big side note on this though is that I was completely un prepared! But I pushed through and finished the 12.4 miles, couldn’t have done it without Kyle! DSC07500

In July Kyle had multiple interviews and accepted a job at the community college in the town where we live, which also happens to be where I work! ;) Of course we had to go out to celebrate!DSC07886_thumb[1]

And that next week he started his job, M-F 8am-5pm, can’t put a price on that!DSC08049

August was a rough month. We lost Kyle’s Grandpa. We miss him dearly, but were so thankful that we had the ENTIRE family together over the 4th of July weekend. DSC07792

One good thing about August is I marked another year in the books, yep I’m now 26! We celebrated a day early because…DSC08255_thumb[1]

I had to work on my birthday, but my staff did well with making the day extra special!DSC08282_thumb[9]

September was an extra special month, my nephew finally arrived!! Hayden James, born 9.12.10!DSC08548

It was extra special because my sisters & Mom all got to be there for the birth. DSC08564

I sure do love this little guy. He spent the first week of his life in the NICU, but is now a healthy growing boy!DSC08544

Of course we all spent many weekends in Iowa City cheering on the Hawkeyes! This was our 3rd year as season ticket holders.DSC08463

October started out with our final race of the year, the Applefest 5K. It was our first race in our hometown! Little did I know…DSC08875

I was pregnant at the time! We didn’t find out till 10.16.10, a day Kyle & I will forever remember! Click here to read all about that day!DSC09069DSC09052

November was a fun month! November 4th marked 2 years that I have been on this journey! It was fun to look back to see what I have accomplished over that time! Click here to read my blogiversary post.

We also enjoyed sharing our “news'’ with our immediate family over a few weekends! 11.14.10

And we finished the month off with an awesome 5 day cruise with family & friends! Click here for the 1st half & here for the 2nd!DSC09483_DSC2377_DSC2349

In December we got to see our little one for the first time! Not to mention also hearing that heartbeat! Priceless! Click here to read more!ultrasound1ultrasound

December we also made the 10 hour drive to my cousin’s wedding in Oklahoma!DSC09529

My entire family made the trip!DSC09541

And of course we can’t forget Christmas!front

And now we are ringing in the new year in Kansas City with some great friends!DSC01652

I know that 2011 has lots to offer, can’t wait! :) See ya next year!

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Posted by: Tukiyooo Year in Review Updated at : 9:48 AM
Friday, December 31, 2010

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