While I am cruising the tropical Caribbean waters I thought I would keep you guys entertained with a few posts! Today's comes from one of my favorite blogs, Bobbi at Nhershoes. If you haven't visted her blog before, it's a MUST read! She is a rock star athlete, creative in the kitchen, and just overall such a fun, beautiful, honest person! Bobbi always has great tips & is so up beat! Check out the "interview" I had with her!

Let’s start with a general question! Tell us about a little about yourself.

I am one busy women who is trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle in a crazy busy world. I wear several different hats every day as a wife, cook, runner, athletic director, registrar , blogger, small business owner, coach, and kickboxing instructor!

What made you want to start blogging?

I wanted to write about my Boston Marathon training and then it just grew from there. I just started reading a lot of other blogs and just got more and more inspired.

You are in such great shape! Have you ever struggled with your weight?

I went in to college at 5′5 and 155 pounds (I lied on my driver license and put 150 because that seemed smaller to me). I started my college education as a Kinesiology major because I wanted to be a PE teacher one day, and this was how I thought I would lose all the weight. Well I was partially right. I began to exercise a whole lot because all my classes were exercise classes. I had yoga in the mornings, Akido in the afternoon, and kickboxing at night. I was also taking nutrition classes and learning a little about what the right things were to eat. I slowly started knocking the weight off, but I wasn’t doing it the healthy way. I remember people saying to me, man you look great, keep it up. I was so happy but started to get depressed. I knew that I was messing with God’s temple. The breaking point was when I got down to 10 wheat thins, and an apple a day. I was starving myself. How could have I have gotten this far? How was I justifying this? I was falling a part. I got some help and started developing a better relationship with food, better but not great.

My sophomore year I left to Memphis Tennessee, the third obesity state. Don’t get me wrong they have some great food in the south, but a lot of it is full of grease and salt. I knew what to eat, and I tried to stay healthy but college got the best of me, and I had one to many beers and free pizza dinners. I gained all my weight back plus some. I was in a size 12 and still fighting to get down to 15o even though that was still considered overweight for my body frame I thought 150 was fine. I finally decided to bust out the old running shoes and start running again. I took it easy and got back in to running shape; well at least I could do a good three miles without dieing. I then started to get inspired and motivated I loved the way I felt when I ran. I was born to run! I have and will always love it. I knew that I was going down a path to freedom.

My senior year of college I decided to do my first marathon, St. Jude. I started training with a friend who had to drop out, so I finished the training on my own. I didn’t have any kind of plan, I just ran when I could and did long runs on the weekends. I had no idea that I should be taking goo’s or doing interval training and yoga was out of the question. I still ate OK, not great. Had those late night Chilli’s runs oh so often with happy hour margaritas! I ran that marathon the best I could and hated it. I remember hitting 18 miles wanting to run off that road and go home! I ran the whole thing and got a 4:20 and was proud of myself!!
What is your exercise regimen?

I try and do a little bit of everything so I don't get BORED! When I am not training for a marathon I run at least 2-3 times a week. Do yoga twice a week, ride my bike somewhere in there, and hit kickboxing 3 times a week. I make sure to take at least 1 rest day a week.

I know you’ve done quite a few marathons, what have you learned from all those races?

That each one was HARD! Mostly mental but physically too.

Your house is so cute, I love how you decorate! What would you say is the style of your home?
Well thanks girl! Hmm, not sure I guess I would say Modern Chic :)

I know you like to entertain, what is your favorite “go to” meal when you have dinner guests?

Anything in the crockpot or pasta!

What is your food weakness?

Salsa and Chips!

With the holiday’s right around the corner, what do you do to stay on track with the “busy-ness” of the season and all the food at gatherings?

I am a little OCD with planning. For instance I have already written out my gift lists and put down days to shop and things to do for the Holiday season in my calander :) We keep a family calander with google and a hard calandar for myself to write down tasks.

Name one fun fact about yourself.

I have four younger brothers and I tend to have more guy friends then girls because of it!

Who is your role model or who inspires you?
I think people who really go out and do their dreams and don't worry about failing!

Thanks for your time Bobbi! You are so inspiring! You can go to her blog here.
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Posted by: Tukiyooo Blog Interview: Bobbi from Nhershoes Updated at : 7:24 AM
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

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