Howdy friends! Tuesday = WI day for me! Remember the past 2 weeks? I had no loss, I was stuck at 165. Well I’d like you to read something for me!

10 reasons why I didn’t stress over the scale being “stuck”!

  1. 13.5 lbs – In the 4 weeks prior to this I had lost 13.5lbs, quite a large amount of weight to lose in a short time. I knew it would eventually slow down.
  2. Comments – I think I got more comments in those 2 weeks when my weight was “stuck” than all year long, “Darci, are you losing weight?” “You are sure looking fit!” If that isn’t motivating, I don’t know what is?!?! My body was still changing even though I didn’t see the change on the scale.
  3. Eat – You have to eat to lose weight! The majority of those 2 weeks I ate all or more than my allotted points. Sometimes I’ll have a snack after doing my post just to make sure I’m getting in my daily points. 
  4. Fluctuate– We all know it, depending on the time of day/week/month, your weight can vary greatly!
  5. Journey – Weight loss/fitness is a journey, not a destination! This journey is more than just 2 weeks.
  6. Other – I like to use other forms of “measurement” to determine how I’m doing on this journey. Example: I wore a pair of jeans I hadn’t worn in quite a few months!
  7. Patience – period.
  8. Success – I do not let the number on the scale determine how I’m doing on this journey. Yes it is one way to gauge your progress, but it does not control my outlook on the overall picture. I knew I was doing what I needed to!
  9. Tone – It’s very possible for your body to still be changing shape & size without seeing the scale go down.
  10. And the last, but not least, I knew the scale would move again…today it said, 163! A 2 lb loss! 15.5lbs gone since I started back on plan on August 23rd and 39 lbs gone since I started this journey nearly 2 years ago!!!

I had the perfect breakfast this morning, leftovers! I had 2 pumpkin pancakes for 5 points left over from Saturday. If you have tried these yet, you MUST!!DSC09005

My morning at work flew by and my pancakes held me over nicely! Lunch today was delish! I had 1 c butternut squash with 1T of brown sugar for 2 points. DSC09006

I also had a chicken salad sandwich with swiss cheese for 4 points. DSC09007

I couldn’t resist these guys anymore! Remember my friend Jenna & her Mom from Saturday. Well they made these delicious 1 point apple cinnamon muffins for me! Super easy & quite tasty!DSC09008Ingredients

1 box Fiber One Apple Cinnamon Muffin Mix (dry).
1/2 cup "Better N' Eggs" egg substitute.
1 large apple chopped
3/4 cup water


-Chop apple in food processor until almost liquid.
-Add the remaining ingredients and mix just until moistened.
-Pour into 12 large muffin cups (greased).
-Bake at 425 for 15 - 20 minutes until golden brown and tops spring back when touched.
Number of Servings: 12

My SIL, Laura, came over to hang out for the evening & go on a run! Kyle joined us too! We chatted & Kyle entertained us the whole way! We got in 2.4 miles and Kyle & Laura stopped off at our house. I got in another 1.1 miles and finished 3.52 miles in 39 minutes.

We are strong. We are beautiful. We are women. DSC09009

I made grilled chicken…DSC09011

…and roasted veggies for a total of 7 points. Mmmm good!DSC09012

And lastly, happy 1 month to my sweet nephew, Hayden! Check out what I was doing 1 month ago today, here!TUESDAY’S STATS
POINTS = 19/23
WEEKLY ALLOWANCE POINTS = 0 used/35 remaining
H2O = 146 oz
EXERCISE = 3.52 mile run

So tell me your experience, when you weren’t seeing the numbers on the scale go down, what did you do to stay positive?

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Posted by: Tukiyooo 10 Reasons… Updated at : 6:59 PM
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

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