Sunday was a BIG day!! Kyle and I went to church, but Wendi decided to stay home. She wasn’t feeling the best.

After church Kyle and I went out to eat with his family….the dreaded buffet! Never fear though…I was good! My first plate with veggies, fruit, & cottage cheese. DSC08502

My second plate was a little lighter….and I shoveled it in because Wendi called and really wasn’t feel well. I’m estimating 7 points total.DSC08503

Of course when Wendi said she wasn’t feel well my first thought was “OMG is she in labor?”

Got home and Wendi said she was “uncomfortable”, but not in too much pain. The key thing I heard when she was explaining how she was feeling was that it was coming & going. Instantly I thought she was having contractions. She wasn’t sure though, so we timed them, and they were about 3 minutes apart lasting about 45 seconds.

Wendi was worried she would get there and they would say it’s false labor & send her home. Kyle finally said Wendi didn’t have a choice and we were going to go to the hospital, at least to get checked out to see what was going on.

We got to the hospital and the nurse said “You’re having a baby today!” Wendi was dilated to 7cm and 80% effaced!

We made the calls and my Mom and 2 other sisters rushed to the hospital. Wendi wanted us all be with her during the delivery!

I couldn’t believe how far along she was and how incredibly well she was doing. She decided to get her epidural to get her relaxed and it did just that!DSC08511

Wendi’s nurse decided she thought Wendi should have her baby for the shift change! We had specific goals! DSC08514

It was crazy we were all sitting around, Wendi was relaxed, and just chatting away! I enjoyed a baby sized can of pop!DSC08515

It was getting close to 6pm and I hadn’t eaten since before 11am and was pretty hungry! I went down to the cafeteria and got some supper. I had a grilled chicken breast, green beans, and some sf jello for 6 points. DSC08516DSC08517DSC08519

Wendi was still pretty relaxed, but hadn’t progressed too much. The dr decided to give her pitocin to get things moving.

My sister Stefanie did a good job keeping Wendi relaxed!DSC08520

Mom did too!DSC08522

The petocin was working, but nurse wanted more! So she brought Wendi the squat bar and had her lean back & forth to help move the baby down. DSC08526

By this time Wendi was feeling the urge to push and feeling a lot more pressure. So 2 of my sisters held one of Wendi’s legs and I was up by her head. My job was to count to 10 each time she had to push.

The dr kept telling me to slow down with my counting, but it was so hard because I was focused on Wendi and I could see the pain in her face with each push.

I have come the conclusion that Wendi is the strongest one of us sisters! She was so tough and strong throughout the entire process.

Wendi only had to push for less than an hour and at 11:27pm he was born! She did SO incredibly well!! It was such an amazing experience and I’m so glad Wendi had me be a part of it.

He is absolutely perfect!DSC08535

He measured 20 1/2” long!DSC08538

He weighed 8lbs 10 3/4 oz and has a full head of beautiful dark hair! DSC08539

He wasn’t breathing right when he was first born, so Wendi didn’t get to hold him for about 3 hours.DSC08540

They said he must have got a lot of fluid in his lungs and he was breathing too fast. DSC08530

By this time it was after 1am and everyone was worn out! Obviously it was a long day for Wendi, but everyone else was pretty tired too!

POINTS = 13/23
WEEKLY ALLOWANCE POINTS = 1 used/34 remaining
H2O = 32 oz

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Posted by: Tukiyooo He’s Here!!! Updated at : 9:09 PM
Monday, September 13, 2010

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