Tuesday at Darci’s house means it WI day! I hopped on the scale this AM and was excited to see the number, 165! My week of eating well at the hospital last week paid off! I lost 2.5 lbs!

Breakfast this morning was simple, but good! I had blueberry muffin oatmeal with 2 slices of toast for 3 points. DSC08712

I have a big last few weeks of September, lots of reports to compile & deadlines to meet! While working on my to-do list I had 1 c strawberries and yogurt for 2 points. DSC08713

It was a cool, overcast day. Because of that, I decided to have some soup for lunch! I had Progresso chicken noodle soup and a cheese sandwich for 4 points. DSC08714

I couldn’t pass up desert! I had a WW cookies & cream ice cream bar for 2 points. DSC08715

I had a productive afternoon at work, ran a few errands after work, and headed home!

I quickly threw supper together & got it in the oven. While it was baking I…………went for a run!!! I haven’t ran since July 22nd!!! Yikes! I was nervous, but anxious to get out there at the same time. I ended up running 2 miles in 22 minutes, not my best time, but I ran the entire way, felt great when I was done, and I’m proud that I did it!

Supper was waiting for me when I got home! We had fiesta chicken & rice bake, a favorite in our house!DSC08716 Fiesta Chicken & Rice Bake

  • 1/2 tsp paprika
  • 1 can 98% ff cream of chicken soup
  • 1 c salsa
  • 1/2 c water
  • 1 can whole kernel white shoe peg corn
  • 3/4 c uncooked minute brown rice
  • 5 boneless chicken breasts
  • 1/2 c 2% shredded cheddar

Mix soup, salsa, water, corn, and rice in baking dish. Top with chicken and sprinkle with paprika and cheese. Bake @ 375 for 45 minutes. Enjoy! Makes 5 servings, 6 points/serving.

I rounded out my meal with 1/4 c cottage cheese and 1/4 peaches for a total of 7 points for supper. DSC08717

POINTS = 18/23
WEEKLY ALLOWANCE POINTS = 0 used/35 remaining
H2O = 72 oz
EXERCISE = 23 min run

If you have had a lull in your workout routine, what do you do to get back into it? Any extra motivation you would care to share?

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Posted by: Tukiyooo Finally… Updated at : 7:59 PM
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

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