Howdy partners! ;) I ended up sleeping in Sunday morning due to all the storm interruptions Saturday night. I’m sure I would have slept longer, but a phone call woke me up around 10am! I could hardly believe it!

We ended up meeting up with Kyle’s family for brunch. His sister and her hubby from Chicago were going to head home today.

We went to a buffet. I’m NOT a fan! I was able to at least start off with a few good choices! I had some pineapple, strawberries, and an egg white omelet with salsa for 3 points. DSC08008

My next plate I completely forgot to photograph. I had 2 slices of french toast  with sf syrup and some breakfast potatoes for 7 points.

And this is where it goes downhill….I finished brunch off with ice cream and apple pie. I looked up the calories when I got home and figured 8 points for my desert. DSC08009

They headed home after brunch. We’re excited though, because they will be back in just 2 weeks!DSC08010

Kyle and I got groceries after brunch and then headed home. We detailed our SUV for the majority of the afternoon. We are selling it and upgrading to a Nissan Armada or a Tahoe! I love a fresh, clean, shiny car!DSC08016

When we finished detailing the car I snacked on some chips and salsa while cooling off for 6 points.

We headed to a 2 year old birthday party! Mateo is our neighbor’s little guy, we just love him! Too bad the giant balloon is covering his face!DSC08025

It was a pool party!DSC08046

And slip & slide!!DSC08042

Even Mateo’s Mom got in on the fun!DSC08033    DSC08037  DSC08041

Kyle got the fun job!DSC08044

I did have one slice of birthday cake. I looked up the nutrition facts and estimated 5 points.

After the party I got right to work! 

Our fridge was crying out for help!DSC08047

I answered the call! I love an organized fridge!DSC08048

After tackling the fridge I did some laundry and realized it was already 9pm and wasn’t going to let a 3rd day in a row go by with working out. So Kyle and I headed up and ran 2.6 miles in 27 minutes. Felt great!


POINTS = 29/23
WEEKLY ALLOWANCE POINTS = 12 used/23 remaining
ACTIVITY POINTS EARNED = 4 today/17 week
H2O =96 oz
EXERCISE = 27 min run

Tomorrow is Kyle’s first day at his new job! We will officially be co-workers too! Anyone else work at the place as their spouse or significant other? To be honest, we won’t see each other much throughout the day, but it will be nice to carpool and have lunches together.

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Posted by: Tukiyooo Fun, productive day! Updated at : 5:31 AM
Monday, July 19, 2010

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