Twice in one weekend I went shopping for a swimsuit. I'm truly a glutton for punishment.This time I tried on every suit that I thought might fit me, but I had a different focus today. This is not a suit that I'll wear at the beach and try to pretend I look sexy. This suit is to wear for swimming as exercise at the gym.

I only had a few requirements:

1.) cover my butt (no easy feat)
2.) cover my boobs (also difficult)
3.) straps that would stay in place while I was swimming

Speaking of boobs, I don't know what the heck happened to mine recently (and if you're a guy, sorry, probably too much information for you). When I was this weight last time (about five years ago), I wore a 38C bra. I've been wearing a 38C for the last year, but my bras didn't fit right. I was constantly fussing with them (and these were expensive bras). I finally decided it was time to get fitted for a bra, something I hadn't done in years.

A sweet, young 20-something at Victoria's Secret measured me and told me I was a 36DD. I told her no way, she was wrong. She insisted. She brought me a box of bras in size 36DD. I looked at them and thought she had to be kidding. No way would those fit me. They looked HUGE. They fit me perfectly.

I don't know what happened, and I'm not exactly happy about it. I've actually always wanted to be smaller on top (and bottom), always wishing I had a more athletic build. My dream would be to have the kind of body where I didn't even have to wear a bra. I've never wanted cups that runneth over. Maybe it's the chest presses or something that caused this, but I'm just hoping when I lose the rest of my weight they'll shrink.

Back to the swimsuit, I found one. It has one of those built in girdle things, but they all did (I guess that's a good thing). It covers everything that needs covering. I opted not to go for a skirted suit and just let my thighs be out in the open for all to see. They aren't slim and trim, they're lumpy and bumpy, but they're strong and powerful legs and that's really what's important.

I'm really looking forward to getting into the pool a couple times a week. This is going to be fun!
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Posted by: Tukiyooo Another swimsuit shopping trip Updated at : 11:05 PM
Sunday, May 2, 2010

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