Happy “spring ahead” Sunday! Hope everyone remembered to “spring ahead” last night!

Here is a recap of my last three days!


Friday morning I did not go to the gym and I planned that because I wanted to get to work early because I knew I would be leaving early.

I sliced up a cantaloupe for breakfast. Only 1 point, but very filling. DSC06353 

Since I had a light breakfast, I had my morning snack earlier than normal. It was the usual combo of ww vanilla yogurt, 1 c strawberries, and 1/4 c grape nuts for 3 points. DSC06354 

Lunch was quick & at my desk since I left work early. I had a turkey & cheese sandwich for 3 points. DSC06355 

And I also had some cantaloupe with 1/2c cottage cheese for 3 points. DSC06356 

I left work around 3pm and headed to meet my Dad. I rode with him to my sister’s in Omaha. If you missed my Thursday post, I went there to help her and her husband move to their new house!

On the way I had a fiber plus bar for 2 points. DSC06358 

We made it there and met up with my sister & her husband at their new house and then headed back downtown to their loft to get some supper.

One perk of living in the city is that you have a restaurant in your building! ;) So we ate at Barley’s, the restaurant on the main floor of the building they lived in. DSC06361 

They ordered homemade chips, salsa, and dip. To know how much of a portion I ate, I took 3 chips & a scoop of salsa and put them on my plate and enjoyed them slowly. I am going to count them for 1 point.  The homemade chips were SO good, light & crisp!DSC06362 

This is what I ordered:DSC06367

Here is my plate…before:DSC06364 

And after! I ate about 2/3 of the chicken, the steamed veggies, a few bites of cottage cheese, and about 2/3 of the rice as well. I am going to estimate high that I ate 8 points worth. DSC06366   

After supper my other sister, BIL, and my Mom also arrived. We enjoyed our evening together! Family time is always good!

POINTS = 20/23
WATER =  104 oz


We got up fairly early and got right to work packing up a few last things of my sister’s. She made sausage & egg burritos for everyone else. I decided to make my own breakfast: 3 egg whites, 1/8 c 2% cheese, salsa, sliced apple, and a slice of ww toast for 4 points. DSC06370        

Once breakfast settled everyone got right to work loading the trailer. They lived on the 3rd floor of their building, so there were lots of trips up & down the elevator! They had a total of 10 people to help and it went GREAT!

It took 2 loads to get all off their stuff to their new house. Once we got it all un loaded at their new house my sister & I went to get lunch. Thankfully she chose Subway!

I had 1/4 of a foot long turkey & ham, 12 sunchips, a few baby dill pickles, and 1 c grapes for a total of 7 points. DSC06379 DSC06380 

And I couldn’t resist desert, a slice of a rice krispie log! They are pretty much my family’s specialty! I am estimating it as 4 points. I am sure that is high, but I would way rather estimate high than low! I need to sit down & figure the points sometime, these are always at my family gatherings!DSC06381

We got a few of their things un packed and then hit the road. The trailer my Dad & I pulled didn’t have working lights, so we didn’t want to be traveling the entire way in the dark.

I can’t wait to come back to my sister’s house and help her pick out decorating ideas! Oh and I forgot to mention the best part…their house is on a lake!!!

On the way home I snacked on a serving of the 100 calorie girl scout cookies for 2 points. DSC06389

When I got home I had a peanut butter fiber one bar and a few animal crackers for 4 points.

When I got back to town I showered up and Kyle got home and we met up with some friends for a quick beer. I had a Budweiser Select 55 for 1 point. And then I realized how incredibly tired I was and we called it a night early at 11pm…which was really midnight! ;)

When we got home I realized I really didn’t eat supper, I ate a few random leftovers in the fridge and I’m going to estimate I had about 3 points worth!

POINTS = 25/23
WATER =  104 oz
EXERCISE = 4 hours of packing, boxing, & lifting!



Even though we had a little bit of a late night Kyle and I still got up for church. Aferwards we went out with Kyle’s family for his twin brother & sister’s 23rd birthday!

We went to a local brunch buffet and I SO proud to report the following pictures of what I ate!

My first plate was loaded with fresh fruit. I am counting this for 4 points. DSC06390 

The buffet had an omelet & waffle station, I asked if I could get an omelet with only egg whites & they were more than willing to accommodate my request!

I am counting my eggs with salsa for 2 points. DSC06391 

I ended with a 1/2c vanilla ice cream with strawberries for 4 points…mmmm!!DSC06392

After brunch Kyle and I got a few groceries. Not many though…we are only 3 days away from our Florida trip! :)

I sample a few bites of ff cottage cheese…no points there though! I didn’t eat the entire sample. DSC06393 

We got home, unloaded our groceries, and napped! I LOVE Sunday afternoon naps!

I did have a few animal crackers when I got up for 2 points.

After our nap we got up and cleaned up the house and couldn’t believe it was after 6pm and still light out!

Supper was a cleaning out out the fridge meal! Don’t want to let food go bad when we leave for a week!

I had cantaloupe, a turkey & cheese sandwich, and a few steamed veggies (I didn’t finish them though because I cooked them too long and they were mushy) for 4 points. DSC06394

I am going to finish my evening the laundry room! Only 2 1/2 more days of work before we leave for Florida…I’m SUPER pumped!! :)

POINTS = 16/23
WATER =  96 oz

It’s been a while since I’ve given an update on my weight. Last Monday when I got back on the band wagon I weighed in at 166lbs. Sad…I know. I was down to 162 before my bad week. I’m happy to report the scale said 161.5 this morning and my goal is to be 159 Thursday morning when we leave for Florida which would mean I would win the sister challenge!! Fingers crossed!!

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Posted by: Tukiyooo An OP Weekend on the Move! Updated at : 6:37 PM
Sunday, March 14, 2010

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