Happy hump day! As many of you  may know it’s also Ash Wednesday. I know Catholics traditionally observe Lent and give up something. Even though I’m not Catholic I decided to do something that would “better” my life. I gave up the snooze button! Now I was so happy & thought it was so original until I ready Cammy’s post tonight(she listed what I’m giving up)! ;) I’m sticking with it though!! And I started out right this morning and got up after just one annoying ring of the alarm!

Kyle and spent some time together catching up this morning. I made an executive decision to skip the gym and enjoy some time with my man! Seems like things have been crazy lately and we were starting to get caught up in the “busy-ness of life”. So it was nice to take some time for each other!

I still made it to my office nice & early. I switched up my breakfast this morning and had a over flowing bowl of fruit. I peeled and orange and sliced up an apple for 2 points. DSC06064 

An hour or 2 later I had 1 cup of grapes for 1 point. Can you tell I’m trying to get my fridge cleaned out before all this delicious fruit goes bad?!?!?DSC06065 

My Dad called me around noon and said he was in town and wanted to meet up for lunch! What a nice surprise! Before I went I had my last fruit of the morning, 1 1/2c strawberries, ww vanilla yogurt, and 1/4 c homemade granola for 3 points. DSC06066 

I met up with my Dad for lunch at Applebees. I love going there knowing they have ww friendly items and I don’t have guess on the calories & fat! Kyle even got to join us. It was a nice, unexpected lunch out with 2 of my favorite guys! Oh and I ordered the Garlic Herb Chicken for 8 points. DSC06067 

After lunch I productive afternoon at work. Knowing I’m going to be gone on Friday (Chicago!!!)I was trying to get things caught up!

After work a friend stopped by and chatted for a while with me & Kyle. Another unexpected visit! How fun!?!? I wasn’t sure what to do for supper and went easy! I whipped up a few pancakes and kept them simple and just had sf syrup on the side for 4 points. DSC06068

I am working a short day tomorrow and Kyle & I are gonna hit the road to Chi-town!! Speaking of that, thanks for the ideas. I am definitely going to check out the bathrooms in the John Hancock building!! ;)

I better get going to get a few last minute things done & hit the hay early so I don’t hit the snooze button!

POINTS = 18/23  
WATER =  86 oz

Do you participate in Lent? If so, what are you giving up? Or maybe it’s something you’re going to do “extra”!

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Posted by: Tukiyooo Fruity-licious! Updated at : 7:19 PM
Wednesday, February 17, 2010

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