I skipped the gym this morning because of my late night with my cousin last night! Crazy thing, I still woke up at the time that I would to go to the gym! Could be a good sign!! Kyle took over as hostess though and made pancakes for them for breakfast!! Good job honey! :)

I made a quick bowl of oatmeal with chocolate PB2 and a small sliced banana for 4 points.  And then I was off to work.DSC05771

I mixed half of this sample box of GoLean Crunch, from Kashi with my yogurt for a mid morning 3 point snack. DSC05773DSC05774

Things are finally starting to slow down at work so I was able to come home for lunch. I had 2 of these little tacos for lunch today using some leftover taco meat we had in the fridge! Didn’t want it to go bad. They totaled 4 oz in beef, 1/4 ff shredded cheddar, and a flat out wrap for 6 points. DSC05775

I sliced up a golden delicious apple to eat on my drive back to work for a little 1 point “desert”. And it looks like I must have one my sister’s containers…see in the initials on the side of it! Sorry Mindi! ;)DSC05776

My cute little friend/neighbor, Mel,  texted me in the afternoon asking if i wanted to go to Zumba. We were planning on going on Thursday, but I didn’t know they  had a class on Tuesday too! So I said “of course”! (this is us a few weeks ago!)DSC05138

So after work I quickly changed and headed to the gym. I got there early enough that I got in a 15 minute run before the class started, which totaled 1.45 miles. Nice little warm up! Then I headed down to the class, found Mel, and boy did we shake our hips!! It was a super fun, 45 minute workout, and it went SO fast! One thing I know is that I have NO rhythm! I think we will probably do it again! Hopefully I catch on to some of the moves…I’m sure I looked quite silly! ;)

I got home just in time to watch the BL and eat a quick supper. I didn’t realize it until I was posting this…but not only was my supper leftovers, but it was also very yellow!

I started out with a 1/2 c cottage cheese and a 1/2 pineapple left over from my Sunday pizza for 3 points. I LOVE the cottage cheese and fruit combo!DSC05777 

Then I found a little bowl of left over mashed potatoes and corn from last week for 4 points (estimating high). Once again…didn’t want it to go back! So I heated it up and it was just as good as the first time! This is also a favorite  combo of mine, but usually I would LOAD it in butter, but not this time! And I still enjoyed it just as much. DSC05778

Kyle and I enjoyed watching BL…but I hate all the game play! And what was up with the red team?!?!? They sure did pi$$ Jillian off…did you see her run out of there as soon as the weigh in was over!!

Well it’s already Wednesday morning and this girl needs to hit the gym! We are in an ice storm warning and I don’t want to get stuck at home and not get in a good workout! We already have a 2 hour delay, but crossing my fingers for maybe a day off work, but we’ll see!

Later friends! :) Have a WONDERFUL day!

POINTS = 21/24
WATER = 116 oz
EXERCISE = 15 min run, 45 min Zumba class

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Posted by: Tukiyooo Cleaning Out the Fridge Updated at : 5:27 AM
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

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