This morning I got a BUNCH of stuff together to take to my work. Share What You Wear has been an annual event at Iowa Central since 2004. Last year, the event reached out to nearly 1,000 individuals in need from Fort Dodge and the surrounding area. Participants had the opportunity to select clothing, shoes, coats, toys and household items for themselves and as gifts to be given to loved ones at no cost to them. It is Christmas for some of the people that come. So I got rid of a TON of my clothes that are too big, a bunch of household items that I don’t use anymore, and a vacuum. DSC05195 

Oh one more thing I did before I left home is weighed…and I happy to say that I am out of the 170s and NEVER want to see them again! The scale said 169.5 this morning and was SUPER happy to see that especially after I was unsure on the points value of my dinner out Thursday night.

After dropping off my stuff I raced to the gym (literally…it was about 10 steps away!) It was already 6:40 and I need to be in the shower by 7:10 to get to work on time. So I got in 30 minutes on the cross ramp, but it wasn’t an easy 30 minutes! I pushed myself and burned almost 400 calories!

I headed to my office and whipped of my usual bowl of oatmeal with PB2 and a small banana for 4 points. It didn’t look so usual today though…not sure what the deal was, but it still tasted delish!!!  DSC05196 

Since my work puts on Share What You Wear I was able to send half my staff over in the morning to help set up for it. Boy do I wish I would have got picture of that. They have a SEMI TRAILER full of donations that we have collected over the past month that we unloaded and sorted. It’s a HUGE project. I stayed VERY busy since my office wasn’t full staffed. But I didn’t forget my morning snack. I had the usual 1 1/2 c strawberries, 1/4 c grape nuts, and yogurt for 3 points this morning. These strawberries have been SO good. I almost didn’t want to mix them in….but I did! :)DSC05197 

It wasn’t until after 2 that I left for lunch. I stopped at my church to pick up a card off the giving tree. I think I might do some shopping on Saturday. I had an apple while running around town for 1 point. Like my Under Armour Cold Gear gloves?!?! They are SUPER warm. Kyle and I each got a pair before we ran the half marathon in October because it was SO cold that day!!! And I am so glad that we did…they kept my hands nice and toasty during the whole race! I picked a little girl who is six years old off the giving tree…I loved her wish list: boots, tights, dresses, dolls…all things girl!! DSC05198 

I was just going to grab that 395 calorie meal I’ve seen advertised from KFC and go back to office right away, but when I went there they said something was wrong with their grill and they didn’t have it at this time. :( So sad! Have any of you tried that yet? I’m curious and want to try it. And I also want to figure out the fat & fiber content so I can figure the points value. Since I couldn’t get that I decided to $ave money and run home to make my lunch! (Makes the hubby proud!!) So I had a turkey & cheese sandwich, strawberries, and animal cookies (I call them cookies ‘cause they are sweet like a cookie, not salty like a cracker and then it seems like desert !) for a total of 5 points. Very yum-o!!DSC05199

I got back to work, had 1 of my staff stay back and cover the office and the rest of us headed over to finish helping set up for Share What You Wear. It really puts things into perspective thinking that coming to an event like this is some people’s Christmas shopping and really makes me realize how blessed Kyle and I are for what we have. I stayed there setting up, sorting, and cleaning till about 6 and then headed home to meet up with Kyle. We were going to head to Des Moines to use our Kohls cash we got on Black Friday (I think we have $50 to spend!), but decided to keep it low key.

We were both pretty drained from a long day. So we got some supper and movie and came home. I got Subway and Kyle got Taco Tico. My sub didn’t taste right. I think something was wrong with the bread. I only ate half of it and then ate some chips and cheese dip of Kyle’s. I’m going to count my supper as 11 points. Two for the very small half of my sandwich I ate and 9 for the chips and cheese. And I think I fell asleep during the first 20  minutes of the movie! Sorry hun!!

And folks, that all she wrote for the day…not too exciting!! But I am sure excited for the weekend, lots to get done!

POINTS = 24/24
WATER = 125 oz
ACTIVITY POINTS EARNED  = 4 today/23 week
EXERCISE = 30 min cross ramp

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Posted by: Tukiyooo Finally Friday!!! Updated at : 5:31 AM
Saturday, December 5, 2009

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