If you ever arrive early to a holiday party or big family gathering, try to secure a spot where you can see guests walk into the room. You'll see a wide range of wardrobes (that should've never left the house) and behavior (from couples who are fighting but feigning love just for the evening).

The best entertainment, however, comes from the people who attempt to hide the dread on their faces as they realize they're in for several hours of chitchat with people they don't particularly like. When they're spotted by these dreadful partygoers, you can watch their facial expressions say: "Is that ... Oh, geez, it's ... Did they see us? Can we -- Oh, heeeeey, nice to see you!"

Hopefully, you're not the person attendees avoid. But if your party invites have decreased significantly over the years, maybe you have some thinking to do.

Your workplace isn't that different from a party scenario. Sure, it lacks an open bar and a karaoke machine, but many of the same rules apply. Because no one likes to be annoying and no one likes to work with someone who is annoying, we've made a list of workplace personalities everyone dislikes.

1. Type: The suck-up
Why everyone rolls their eyes: Co-workers have an unwritten rule of solidarity. Employees and the boss aren't in a battle with each other, but colleagues like to think that they support each other and are on the same team where everyone looks out for each other. When you become the boss's lapdog, you've betrayed loyalties. You're getting attention and possibly even accolades -- not because you've done your job, but because the boss knows you'll cater to his or her every need. Does that mean talking about information you were told in confidence? Or maybe you'll blame a co-worker for something that was really the boss's fault. Suck-ups don't have much workplace integrity nor co-worker support.
Why you should be wary: You won't have colleagues to help you out if your boss is your only ally. What will you do when he or she leaves the company?

2. Type: The naysayer
Why everyone rolls their eyes: Sometimes the glass is half full. Pragmatism can keep everyone in check when they're too busy patting themselves on the back for a foolproof idea, but your response to every proposed idea or development shouldn't be gloom and doom. A constant chorus of "Oooh, no, that won't work" is annoying and kills morale.
Why you should be wary: If your contribution to every conversation is going to be a negative one, you'll be excluded from them.

3. Type: The drama queen
Why everyone rolls their eyes: Not everything is a tragedy. Just because something happened to you doesn't make it more important than what's happening in other people's lives. You need to have control of your emotions and a grasp on what requires immediate attention (and what doesn't) whether you're working behind a fast-food counter or teaching a classroom full of children.
Why you should be wary: That whole boy crying wolf thing -- it applies here.

4. Type: The star of the show
Why everyone rolls their eyes: Yes, you're a dazzling genius who should be running the place, not answering to some yahoo manager. Until your name is on the company letterhead, you're not the focal point of everyone's attention.

Self-promotion is often a good way to stay visible and remind executives that you're a valuable contributor, but it should be used sparingly. Regardless of the organization and the industry, everyone is working toward a common goal -- and you are not that goal. Work hard and let the results speak for themselves.
Why you should be wary: When the spotlight's on you, it's leaving both other people and your work in the dark.

By Anthony Balderrama writer and blogger for CareerBuilder.com and its job blog, The Work Buzz. He researches and writes about job search strategy, career management, hiring trends and workplace issues. Follow him on Twitter at twitter.com/abalderrama.
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Monday, September 14, 2009

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