I was quite lazy last night (Wednesday) so I didn’t get my post done for the day, exercise, or make supper! I ate a bowl of Reeses Puffs cereal (estimating 6 points…and no picture), put my pj’s on, and was on asleep on the couch before 9pm!! Must have needed the time off for some reason!!

Backing up a bit, I started my day out Wednesday was a yummy bowl of oatmeal!! This is one of my favorite ways to have oatmeal, a sliced banana, oatmeal, and chocolate PB2!!! A delicious bowl of 5 points!!DSC04544 

I had my usual snack (aka “morning mush”) around 11:30….3 points!DSC04545 

Once again, work got busy and it was past 1:30 and I still hadn’t gone for lunch. So I sliced up a gold delicious apple for 1 point to get me through the report I was working on. I sure to love apples, but HATE it when the peeling stuck in your gums. OUCH!!DSC04546 

Kyle called and said he ran home quick for something for work and also let Abby out to potty. So techinally I was off the hook at actually go home over my lunch hour. So instead I went quickly across campus to Subway. I got a 6 inch turkey & ham on wheat w/pickles and cucumbers! I’m estimating 6 points for the sandwich. DSC04547 

I ended up running into an old friend at Subway I hadn’t seen in over a year, so it was good to catch up with him and hear about him family. Now if you noticed I photographed a sandwich AND chips, but didn’t include any points for the chips. Well it’s because they were soft! Not sure what went wrong there, but I called and they said I could bring them back and get a new bag. Which now that I think about it, I still haven’t done that!


POINTS = 21/22
WATER = 68 oz

Ok, so now you’re up to date on Wednesday…on to Thursday!

My morning started out quite similar today! I couldn’t wait to have the EXACT SAME breakfast this morning!! I had a sliced banana, oatmeal, and chocolate PB2 (5 points)!! Yum-O!!! (notice my messy bowl…my oatmeal almost boiled over in the microwave!)DSC04549 

Yesterday I ran across this blog, Young House Love. I think I could spend HOURS on it looking at all their great advice, before & after’s, old posts, etc!! Love it!! Well it kind of inspired me. I would say I’m an organized person, but not near as organized as this couple. So I took a few of their tips. One I really like for both work and personal, is instead of having random note pads and sticky notes all over, use just one little note book and then cross off when it’s done/accomplished. I already have a work one and personal one started and have a few things crossed off on each one too! This is just something small, but I think I will get things done more because I LOVE to check something off my list!!

Anyway, sorry for the side-note! Back to food!! I had my morning snack today….in the afternoon! So today it’s called “afternoon mush” (3 points). Nope, don’t like it near as much! I think I’ll stick with it in the morning! :)DSC04550 

I was on a roll “checking” things off my list in my notebook at work, I didn’t even realize it was after 3pm and I hadn’t eaten lunch yet. So I called Kyle (he had the day off today) to see if he would mind bringing me a sandwich and some veggies. He was coming to my office in the afternoon anyway to hang a few things for one of my staff members. And look what he brought me:

DSC04551A cute little container with all kinds of compartments perfect for my lunch!! I didn’t even know we had these in the cupboard!! (Maybe I need to organize my “tupperware” cabinet!!) Thanks for lunch honey…delish!! 4 points DSC04552

I ate my lunch at my desk while working away the afternoon. I headed home around 6pm and Kyle was still working away around the house. He cleaned the kitchen, put up a new shower curtain, packed the Explorer (we are moving some stuff to KC for some friends this weekend!!), did some “honey-do’s” at my office, and did stuff for his work!! What a productive day he had!! Thanks Hun!! :)

I had ZERO ideas for supper. I had lots of cut up raw veggies, left over chicken, and not much else to work with. So I ended up making my own mix! I used 3oz grilled chicken breast, broccoli, 1 oz velvetta, and 2 oz whole wheat pasta. Mixed it all together and MMmmm, a yummy, filling 7 point (I’m going high on the points) supper!! I love it when things come together like that!DSC04553

I spent the rest of my night pampering my pup. Abby got her eyes cleaned (she’s part poodle, so her tears stain her fur), clipped her nails, bathed, and dried her! Now she’s all fresh and clean, ready to visit our friends in KC this weekend!!


POINTS = 19/22
WATER = 72 oz

Hope everyone has a great night. Tomorrow’s Friday and that means we have a 12 mile run….eeekkk!! Hopefully it goes well!! I can do it….I can do it….I can do it!!! I also have the trip to KC to look forward to!

Nite blogger friends…I know I’ve said this already, but it’s SO good to be back!!! :D I’ve missed you guys so much!!

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Posted by: Tukiyooo A Day Behind…But Still on Track! Updated at : 7:46 PM
Thursday, September 24, 2009

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