In elementary school, there are classes you always look forward to -- gym, home economics and choir -- and classes you don't -- like English, science and geometry.

But, as you grow up, you realize different likes and dislikes, and strengths and weaknesses in the classroom. Maybe you recognize that you really do like to read and write, or that the periodic table makes more sense than you thought. For some people, math was this way. Formulas, fractions, square roots and perimeters came easily, and a calculator and compass were always found nearby.

To many, these kids were considered "math geeks" and were sometimes chastised for their love of crunching numbers. But, while we were poking fun and sleeping during math class, we should have paid attention -- because those who did are just plain getting paid.

In 2008, mathematicians earned an average annual income of $94,960, according to the most recent data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Mathematicians were also rated the No.1 best career, based on a January 2009 study of the best and worst professions by JobsRated.com. The study evaluated 200 professions based on work environment, income, employment outlook, physical demands and stress. The second and third best professions, actuaries and statisticians, are also in the mathematics arena.

If you consider yourself a math whiz and are ready to put in a few extra years of school, check out these 10 jobs and what you'll need to succeed in them:

1. Actuary

Actuaries deal with risk. They analyze statistical data like mortality, sickness, injury, disability and retirement rates to figure out their probability of happening and the costs associated with each event. In turn, they create policies for people and companies that minimize the risk and financial impacts of these given situations.

Education: An undergraduate degree in mathematics, statistics or actuarial science, or a business-related field such as finance, economics or business.
Average annual salary: $95,980

2. Cost estimator

Cost estimators figure out how much future projects or products will cost, and also determine which current endeavors are making a profit. They analyze factors like cost of materials, labor, location and duration of the project to help companies decide whether or not to pursue a project.

Education: Construction employers prefer applicants with a bachelor's degree in construction science, construction management or building science. Employers in manufacturing prefer someone with a bachelor's degree in mathematics, statistics or engineering.
Average annual salary: $60,903

3. Economist

Economists identify problems and solutions within the distribution and production of goods and services like land, labor and raw materials. They research, analyze and monitor economic trends, and use math models to answer economic questions.

Education: A master's degree or Ph.D. in economics is typically required.

Average annual salary: $93,898

4. Electrical engineer

Electrical engineers design new and better electronics. They work on high-tech assignments for products like cars, robots, cell phones, and radar and navigation systems, for example.

Education: A college degree in electrical engineering, along with courses in mathematics and physical and life sciences.
Average annual salary: $89,268

5. Physicist

Physicists study the natural world. They perform experiments and conduct research to develop theories and laws of nature, energy, motion and matter.

Education: You usually need a doctoral degree (Ph.D.).
Average annual salary: $92,537

6. Market researcher

Market researchers examine market conditions to determine potential sales of product or service. They usually conduct polls or surveys to assess factors that will affect the sale of a product.

Education: A bachelor's degree is the minimum educational requirement for many market research jobs, but a master's degree may be required for technical positions.
Average annual salary: $70,410

7. Mathematician

There are two types of mathematicians: theoretical and applied. Theoretical mathematicians develop new principles of math and look for new developments in existing principles. Applied mathematicians use theories and techniques to solve economic, scientific, engineering, physics and business problems.

Education: A Ph.D. in mathematics usually is the minimum educational requirement.
Average annual salary: $94,960

8. Statistician

Statisticians apply statistical and mathematical theories to collect, analyze and interpret numerical data to provide usable information. Some statisticians, for example, may collect data to learn how safe new products are before the products can be sold.

Education: A master's degree in statistics or mathematics is the minimum educational requirement, but research and academic jobs generally require a Ph.D.
Average annual salary: $70,891

9. Surveyor

Fighting with your neighbor about where to put the fence in your background? Ask a surveyor for help. Surveyors measure and draw what the earth's surface looks like, determining official land, air and water boundaries. They write descriptions of land for deeds, leases and other legal documents; define airspace for airports; and take measurements of construction and mineral sites.

Education: A bachelor's degree in surveying or a related field; every state requires that surveyors be licensed.
Average annual salary: $54,140

10. Mathematical science teacher, postsecondary

Postsecondary mathematical science faculty teach university and college students. Typically they teach several courses within the mathematics field, like calculus, statistics and algebra.

Education: Four-year colleges and universities usually require candidates to hold a doctoral degree.
Average annual salary: $68,130

Salary information provided by CBSalary.com, powered by SalaryExpert.

By Rachel Zupek writer and blogger for CareerBuilder.com and its job blog, The Work Buzz. She researches and writes about job search strategy, career management, hiring trends and workplace issues. Follow her on Twitter: http://twitter.com/CBwriterRZ.

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Posted by: Anonymous 10 Jobs for Math Whizzes Updated at : 12:00 PM
Thursday, September 10, 2009

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