No one ever nominates me for a blog award. Heck, I don't think hardly anyone even reads what I write. I'm not funny or witty like some of the bloggers out there. So many of you are talented writers with a great sense of humor and a wealth of information with great recipes and beautiful pictures. Me, well, I'm the first to admit it, I'm kind of boring.

So when I saw sweet Ida nominated me for a blog award, I was delightfully surprised. Me? Really? Someone actually reads what I write and likes it? Sometimes I practically fall asleep writing about my boring life. Thanks Ida! I really appreciate it.

The deal is I have to pick my 15 favorite bloggers that I love and give them the award. Then they have to do the same.

My first thought was, only 15? How can I narrow it to only 15? The funny thing is that most of these bloggers probably don't even realize I read their blogs every day. I don't comment as often as I want to, usually because I'm in a hurry. They've brought me much joy and laughter, as well as I learn something from them every day. Thank you to each and every one one of you.

Note: this is kind of a girly award I guess, with the flowers and "One Lovely Blog Award" title. But I don't think it should be limited to just female bloggers, so there are a few guy blogs listed below. They probably won't even acknowledge this, but I want them to know I read their blogs every day and love them.

Okay, now you're turn to pass it on!

1. Quick...Save me from myself
2. Chronicles of Meps' Reconstruction
3. Krista's Kraziness
4. Ron is getting healthy
5. Fixing myself thinner
6. 55 Alive and Losing it
7. Ella's Journey To Become a Healthier and Happier Woman
8. My Life in Hospitality School
9. I Don't Want to Die of a Heart Attack When I'm 25
10. TJ's Way or the Highway
11. Skye's the Limit
12. Jack Sh*t, Gettin' Fit
13. Tony "The Anti-Jared" Posnanski Yes, I like him!
14. Fat Daddy
15. You're going to need a bigger boat Seriously, how could I not give this award to Carlos? :)
16. Fight Fat Phobia

Okay, I'm going to stop now. I could go on forever. I read a LOT of blogs and love all of them. Really can't say I've ever met a blogger I didn't like.
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Posted by: Tukiyooo Awww...so sweet! Updated at : 1:32 PM
Friday, August 14, 2009

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