Guess what????????????? I got my rear of out of bed this morning and went to the gym!! (Oh and Kelly, I didn't need the alarm clock I have to chase either!!! lol) It was GREAT!! Thank you sis for getting me there!! I did a 12 minute run while I waited for my sister to get there and then we did 36 minutes on the bikes together!! I felt so great to be back in my old routine!!

I headed over to my office and made breakfast of oatmeal with blueberries and an orange for 3 points. Mmmm!! Oh how I missed you oatmeal!! DSC02470DSC02471

I wanted to check with you guys...I've heard that with my new header it cuts the words off on the far right...is this happening with all of you? I am wondering if it is just on smaller screens or what?? I look at my blog at work and home and both screens are 17". If it is happening with everyone I will re-work my header! I don't want you to miss out on anything I write!! Ha ha...like's its that exciting!! Let me know if it cuts off for you and what screen size you have!! Thanks!! :)

Around 10am I had my "morning mush" (that is what one of my co-workers calls it!)...strawberries, yogurt, and grape nuts for 3 points!


I had to run a few errands for lunch so I grabbed some grapes to munch on while running around town for 1 point. DSC02474

When I got back to the house I made a chocolate PB2 and banana wrap for 3 points!! I looked at Leah's blog before going to lunch and knew this was what I wanted!! And plus I was reading "A Daunting Tale of Scale Warfare" this morning and saw you could get $3 off PB2!!! So I ordered some! I had to call though because the coupon code wasn't working online. The offer ends at midnight tonight so check out their website http://www.bellplantation.com/.DSC02478

Sorry...back to lunch. I knew the wrap wouldn't quite hold me over all afternoon so I decided to make a smoothie again to take back to the office. Today it consisted of strawberry yogurt, strawberries, a small banana, and a bunch of ice for 3 points. I sipped away at it all afternoon! De-lish!!DSC02476DSC02477

For supper tonight we went to our favorite Wednesday nite “hot spot”….Third Base! You get free chips and salsa, 50 cent tacos, and $1.50 margaritas!! I had some chips and salsa and two tacos. I decided not to have a margarita because they are like 5 points each…so instead I had a couple Bud Lights with my food…so total 13 points for everything! It was a fun evening with everyone!DSC02479DSC02482

A friend of my sisters (my new friend!) joined us as well! We e-mailed a bit throughout the day and she mentioned she had to run to the store to pick up some Larabars before she came down because they are on sale. Now I have seen these all over the “blog world” and of course had to inquire what she thought and what her favorite flavor was. She said cinnamon bun and one other (can’t remember!). Well she showed up to Third Base and brought one for both my sister and I!! How sweet….Thanks Randi!! Can’t wait to try it!! DSC02480

This is me and my sister…the one who got me to the gym this AM!! Thanks sis!! :)DSC02483

After tacos and drinks we headed about 2 blocks away to a locally owned ice cream shop for one of my favorite summer treats!! They have a new flavor each week!! Last week it was mint, this week it was strawberry!! And if you haven’t noticed….I <3 strawberries!! :) So I had a small cone for 5 points


Well everyone I am bushed!! It was a great day, started out great and ended great!! I hope everyone’s was just as great, or even better!! :) See you tomorrow my favorite blogger buddies!!!

WEEKLY ALLOWANCE POINTS =8 used/27 remaining

WATER =106 oz
EXERCISE = 12 min run and 36 min bike

You have just read the article News for today's that category by title Day 183 (Wednesday 5/6). You can bookmark this page with a URL https://news-these-days.blogspot.com/2009/05/day-183-wednesday-56.html. Thank you!
Posted by: Tukiyooo Day 183 (Wednesday 5/6) Updated at : 7:44 PM
Wednesday, May 6, 2009

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