First of all…HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my favorite little furry friend…ABBY!!!! She turned 2 today!!! :D

DH and I overslept a tad, but still made it to church and ran a few errands afterwards with the in-laws.  AKA…needed to get our little girl a birthday gift!!!  I wanted to make her a little cupcake…but I figured if I did that I would end up eating some too and I ate enough points yesterday!

She ended up getting a new toy…one hopefully that she won’t rip to shreds!! She may be cute…but boy does she sure shred any sort of toy you give her!DSC02433DSC02432

We kept lunch simple & light, Subway! I had a 6 inch wheat turkey & ham with NO cheese and pickles w/part of a bag of baked Lays for 8 points. I <3 Subway!! Once again no picture…haven’t told the in-laws about this blog.

After eating we headed home, started the laundry, and got to cleaning. We also got our food ready for the week…cleaned & sliced 6lbs of strawberries, boiled, cut, & peeled a dozen eggs (for DH’s salads!), peeled & sliced 2 cucumbers, and cleaned out the fridge! It was over a productive afternoon!DSC02449

After cutting all that fresh produce I had to have some! So I finished off the watermelon and had a few strawberries that didn’t fit in the bowl for 2 points!


I’ve gotten a few awards lately so I need to get them passed on! :)

First of all thanks to Kelly over at “Happy Texan” for this award!! I think Kelly is SUPER!! :D Seriously if you haven’t seen her blog CHECK IT OUT…her posts are ALWAYS great!!! I was truely touched by the comments she made in the post…crazy to think that I can inspire someone…but Kelly I’m glad I did and that you joined the blog world!!

And now the rules of the award:

Tape it up on your blog somewhere.

Pass it along to 5 fellow super bloggers, and comment on their blog to let them know how lucky they are today!

When you present your Super Blogger awards, link back to the super blogger who gave it to you

Like Kelly said how in the world can I pick only 5 blogs? Have you seen my blog roll?! LOL So I think I am just going to leave it open…obviously if you’re on my blog roll I think your blog is SUPER!!! And if you’re not on my blog roll, let me know ‘cause I probably just haven’t read your blog to find out that it is SUPER!!! :D Thanks again Kelly for the award!!!

And the next one is from Becca over at “Simply Fit”. She is a new “blog friend” and enjoy her posts (her son is SUPER cute!!) and always leaves the sweetest comments!! :) Thanks Becca!!

As a recipient of this award, I am to share why I love blogging:

I originally started a family blog back in 2007 and last November started my weight loss blog when I joined WW. I scoured the net for about a WHOLE day straight reading blogs (many that I follow today!) and was completely inspired. I LOVE the blogging community and have “met” so many wonderful people that inspire me on a daily basis. My weight loss journey would not be the same without all of you!! So for that, I have to thank you from the bottom of my heart…you guys are GREAT!!! Oh and I LOVE your comments…keep ‘em coming!!


After relaxing for a while this afternoon I made a smoothie…it’s official, I’m hooked! Today my smoothie consisted of strawberries, key lime pie yogurt, 1/2 c almond breeze, and ice for a total of 3 points. I thought for sure DH would like this one so I put it in two glasses…but nope he made an “eewww face” and gave it back to me…so I had a two fisted smoothie! It was great! :) Someday I’ll make one he likes!!


It was starting to get a little late and I hadn’t worked-out yet and before I knew it DH said “Hey we need to get our run in today!”. I was so excited when he said it. So we decided to do intervals today and took a different route. We had a slight detour…DH’s Great Aunt & Uncle lived on this route and were outside and we stopped and chatted with them for a while. They are such sweet people. DH’s Uncle even gave me a pair of slippers that he made himself!! He makes baby ones too that are SO cute…can’t wait to get a pair of those!! ;) (Don’t get any ideas…I just love everything baby!!!) We ended up having about a 30 minute total run and I did 10 minutes of lunges and abs when we got home. I was wiped by the time I got done!  

Supper tonight was quick, easy, and delicious! I had an orange, 1/2c cottage cheese, sliced cucumber, carrots, and lite ranch for 4 points. I didn’t eat the pickles…they had a funny taste.DSC02452

I hope everyone had a great weekend, overall mine was great…nothing too exciting, but still great! It is quickly coming to a close so I off to spend the rest of it with DH and our b-day pup!! :) A haircut may be in the works for DH!


POINTS = 17/23

WEEKLY ALLOWANCE = 19 used/16 remaining

WATER = 72 oz

EXERCISE = 30 min interval run & 10 minutes abs and lunges

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Posted by: Tukiyooo Day 180 (Sunday 5/3) Updated at : 7:06 PM
Sunday, May 3, 2009

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