Happy Monday everyone!

I had great intentions of hitting the gym this morning because I didn’t really feel like running in the rain again! :p But for some reason when my alarm went off I didn’t hear it! But 45 minutes later luckily my lil pup woke me up otherwise I would’ve missed work!

Still trying to eat up all that fruit in my fridge! So once again it wad an oatmeal free morning. I’m really starting to miss it! I had a bowl of melon and blueberry yogurt for 2 points. DSC02354

My co-worker had her baby Friday night so that means we are down one person at the office and that REALLY stinks. It is going to be a hard couple months while she is gone. Sigh…I’m ready for lazy days of summer! Since we were busy at work I didn’t get my morning snack until about 11:45am! I had my fav. combo of strawberries, grape nuts, and yogurt for 3 points. DSC02355

Since I had a late morning snack a took a later lunch. Always makes the afternoons go faster when you get back to the office and there are only 3 hours of work left! Lunch today was a ham, turkey, & cheese wrap, 1/2c cottage cheese, and more cantaloupe for 6 points. Hope you guys like orange…I’ve got some more cantaloupe to finish up! :)DSC02356

I got attacked by the munchie monster when I got home from work! I had 6 wasa crackers w/salsa (I don’t have any chips and they actually worked as a great substitute!), fiber one bar, and string cheese 6 points. DSC02357 






DSC02360DSC02359After all that snacking I felt a little guilty…for one it wasn’t a very “balanced” meal and two, I hadn’t worked out yet, so I hit the pavement! DH had to go into work. So I went for a run on the route he would take home, saw some “new” scenery, and pushed myself (BIG time!). We “ran” into each and he brought me within 4 blocks of our place…just enough for a quick little cool down. in total I ran for 22 minutes and had another couple minutes of cool down. When I got back to the house I did 10 minutes of lunges and abs. I love feeling that burn!! :) I know it wasn’t that long of a workout…but it’s better than nothing, right?!?

It’s time for a little time with the hubs! One of my favorite ways to “spend” time! :)

Hope everyone had a marvelous Monday and is looking forward to an even better Tuesday!


POINTS = 17/23

WATER = 96 oz

EXERCISE = 22 min run, 10 minutes abs & lunges


Oh and make sure to check out Kelly's giveway....it's SWEET! :)

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Posted by: Tukiyooo Day 174 (Monday 4/27) Updated at : 7:07 PM
Monday, April 27, 2009

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