Two shout-outs to start with….

one to my middle school BFF, Tawny….Happy Birthday girl (miss you)!!!

And 2 – Happy Earth Day!! Reduce, re-use, recycle!!

DH got the internet working last night, but I crashed around 9pm and didn’t get a chance to post. Sorry everyone…I’ve been so bad with my blogging these days and it’s kind of ironic that I also haven’t been OP 100%. I think they go hand in hand for me! So my goal for this week is to blog everyday!! HOLD ME TO!!!!

Woke up at 6am today and started out the day with a 30 min run with one of my favorite running pals….Abby!! I am just so amazed how good she does. We went almost 3 miles and her little legs made it the whole way! (except for a potty break for her!). I love running outside. It’s a nice change of pace from the treadmill. I hope to do this more now that it’s getting so nice outside here.  But I still want to hit the gym for weights. I’ve been bad about that too, haven’t lifted in about 2 weeks.

Breakfast was honey nut cheerios with a sliced banana for 6 points. DSC02305

Midmorning I had my all time favorite combo, strawberries, grape nuts, and yogurt for 3 points. DSC02306

I have SO much fruit in my fridge right now it’s not even funny! I hosted a PartyLite show on Monday and served a few different fruits with a homemade dip and I had about 1/2 of the people show up so needless to say DH and I have a LOT of fruit to eat up! That’s ok though…it’s a good thing to have too much of!

I jetted home for lunch and let Abby out. I got the mailed sorted and did the dishes. Also threw together a quick fruit filled lunch! I had strawberries, pineapple, and watermelon with fruit dip and a chicken salad flat out wrap for 5 points. I am not 100% sure on the fruit dip…it’s hard to determine what the total amount is….ie how many cups does it make to figure out the points per serving. I’ll post the SUPER easy, yummy recipe below. DSC02307

Headed back to work. Our office is really starting to get busy getting ready for the 2009-2010 school year. I want to get lots done now so the summer isn’t so crazy when we get short summer hours!

And that brings us up to date. The reason I am posting early is because we are going out tonight to our favorite Wednesday night place…3rd Base (it’s a bar and grill) for 50 cent tacos and $1.50 margaritas. But I am going to try to stay within my points and then actually count the ones I go over from the weekly allowance.  I am guessing I will have 2 tacos and probably 1 margarita and 2 lite beers for 14 points. But I’ll update you guys later to let you know for sure! Just for accountability reasons!

Here are the flowers DH sent me at work on Friday! Perfect for spring!


Oh and the fruit dip recipe. I wish I would have taken a picture of my fruit platter…it looked SO good! But with all the business of the party I forgot! By the way…I’m getting $194 in free stuff!! Thanks to all my friends for coming and ordering! Can’t wait to get it all!! Going to stock up on candles!! Melody over at Cheat Day Cafe commented on my blog the other day so of course I had to check out her blog and I loved it right away. She has lots of great ideas and recipes! So I had to try this one I found on her blog. It was PERFECT!!! Thanks Melody for posting it…going to be a favorite in our house!! I put it in recipe builder and it comes out to 11 points for the whole batch. So a serving size would be pretty minimal points wise.

Fruit Dip
1 container of fat free or light whipped topping, thawed
2 containers of fat free or light yogurt (I used strawberry…you could use any kind)
Just mix together and serve with fresh fruit.

I got a pedi & my nails filled on Saturday and there were all these cute little high school girls getting their’s done for prom that night. But they were getting some fun designs and rhinestones put on theirs. So I asked the girl if she could do that for me too! I thought it turned out cute!!DSC02298

Well blogger buddies, I’m all caught up on your blogs and you are all doing so great!! Such an inspiration to me!! I’m off to enjoy some good times with friends and some yummy Mexican food!   

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Posted by: Tukiyooo Day 169 (Wednesday 4/22) Updated at : 2:49 PM
Wednesday, April 22, 2009

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