Happy April Fools Day! It’s 8:30 and I haven’t been pranked yet…keeping my fingers crossed that will last! :)

I woke up and talked with DH a bit before I hit the gym for a 22 minute run. The time with DH was worth the short workout! I hadn’t seen him since Monday morning.

I made my usual breakfast of oatmeal with blueberries and an orange for 3 points. DSC02208

My morning snack was strawberry yogurt with 1/4c grape nuts for 2 points. DSC02209

I wanted to get something quick for lunch ‘cause I planned on packing up my scrapbooking stuff for a retreat that I am going on this weekend. When my meal got done in the microwave my little sister (the one who goes to college in FL) called and we chatted all through my lunch. It was great to hear from her. We hadn’t had a chance to talk much since I’ve been back in IA. Oh my lunch…as you can see was a SmartOnes creamy rigatoni with broccoli and chicken for 6 points. DSC02210 '

After my lunch I wasn’t hungry but wanted something sweet. So I grabbed a VitaTop muffin from the freezer and added some PB2 for 2 points. Oh my….this was AWESOME!!!DSC02211

After work today I hit the gym again. A friend/co-worker said she was going to do her weigh lifting so I said I would join her since I didn’t get any weights in this morning. And boy did we work our legs!! They are still sore while just sitting here blogging! In total I worked out for 45 minutes, mostly leg weights, but also got an ab workout in there too!

When I got home I headed straight to my craft room to get my scrapbooking stuff together for this weekend. It felt good to be down there again. I haven’t done much crafting for 6+ months and my room was quite a MESS! So I got it all organized and my scrapbook bags packed. Now I just need to pack my clothes, bedding, and eats for the weekend. I really want to stay on track and usually at things like this there are all kinds of non-ww friendly (yummy) snacky foods! So I am going to plan ahead and bring some healthy snacks to have.

Supper tonight wasn’t necessarily the “healthiest”, but I was craving a hot dog so bad! I picked up some ff ones on our last grocery shopping trip. I was hoping to grill them, but I couldn’t wait for the grill to warm up so I just popped them in the microwave. So overall my supper was 1 c cateloupe, 1 kiwi, a few pickles, and two ff hot dogs for a total of 7 points. DSC02212

Once again I wasn’t still hungry, but I couldn’t wait to have another VitaTop with PB2 (2 points). This time I tried the brownie. It pretty much seemed like the same consistency of the muffins…but still VERY good! MMMmmmm!!DSC02213

I am headed off to pack my gym bag, get my clothes ready for an interview I have tomorrow, and spend some much needed time with DH! Hope everyone has great rest of their April Fools Day and doesn’t get pranked too bad! 15 minutes later and still no prank…I think I’m in the clear! Phew!


POINTS =22/23

WATER = 106 oz

EXERCISE = 22 min run, 45 min weights & abs

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Posted by: Tukiyooo Day 148 (Wednesday 4/1) Updated at : 6:42 PM
Wednesday, April 1, 2009

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