Happy Weekend everyone!

And thank you so much for all your sweet comments on my Florida post. I had a great time and I think by looking at the pictures of myself the picture I have of myself in my “mindseye” is starting to change. I don’t see that 200lb person anymore and it really feels good. I don’t think I felt like that until after seeing the pictures, seeing my sisters’ reaction to the changes, and all your wonderful comments! So thank you!

I have bad news to report…..Friday & Saturday were NOT OP days for me. I started out good with my favorite breakfast of oatmeal w/blueberries and an english muffin w/cream cheese for 4 points. DSC02192

Mid morning my stomach was really starting to bother me. I grabbed a peanut butter fiber one bar and ww chocolate cake for 4 points. DSC02193 Those foods didn’t really settle the uncomfortable feeling I was having. So I went home and had my favorite “comfort food”. Cereal! I had some honey nut cheerios for 6 points. (again no picture…i’ve got to get back to my routine!)

I got back to work and seemed to be feeling better and the afternoon flew! On my lunch break I had also packed my gym bag because a friend/co-worker told me she joined the “Y” location that we have on campus and wanted to light together after work! I couldn’t pass us a workout buddy! So I hit the gym after work for an hour of weight lifting and abs. Felt awesome!

Got home and I was HUNGRY!! Shouldn’t have been though for all the food I ate earlier in the day! So I had a string cheese and Quaker oats mini delights for 3 points while I made supper: whole wheat pasta w/marainara sauce for 5 points. DSC02195

My desert Friday night was an all time favorite, 1/4 c grape nuts, 1 c strawberries, and lite strawberry yogurt for 4 points. A friend pointed out that our local grocery store has off brand lite yogurt that is only 1 point for almost 20 cents cheaper than the ww yogurt. So I tried it out and it was pretty good. But I think it was a lot thicker…it didn’t soften my grape nuts like the ww yogurt does. It was still good though!


DH is loving “march madness” right now! So he watched basketball while I lounged on the couch and eventually went to the bedroom and feel asleep before 9pm watching a chick flick re-run on tv! I think I am still catching up from my trip.


POINTS = 26/23

WATER = 72 oz

EXERCISE = 60 min weight lifting


I woke up early Saturday morning and did a little cleaning before heading off to the gym. I started out on the treadmill hoping to get in a 5K, but that changed…for some reason I had absolutely NO energy and my side hurt so bad so I ended up only running 14 minutes. After that I walked for 19 minutes at an incline while reading my latest book “Marley & Me”. Then I hopped on the cross ramp for 20 minutes, and finished off with 10 minutes of abs. Overall it ended up being a great workout even though it didn’t start out too well.

Then I headed over to Target. I saw in the ad that they had their running tanks on sale and wanted to check them out. I tried on a few different kinds and didn’t get any. I didn’t think I liked them much. And didn’t want to spend $15 on something that I wouldn’t end up wearing. They were SUPER tight and I would think that they would ride up while you’re running. I might end up trying one this summer…but we’ll see. I ended up just getting a new sports bra (also on sale!) and a new gorilla pod for my camera.

I headed home and my mom called and said she was in town and wanted to stop over for a chat. So she did. Her husband had some errands to run and she isn’t much of a shopper (unlike my sister’s and I!). I made my “brunch” while we talked. I guess I could almost call it my “afternoon snack” because it was almost 1:30! I made a blueberry waffle w/sf syrup and an orange for 5 points. DSC02196

I had a wedding to go to in the evening so my mom stayed and chatted with me while I got ready. It was good to see her. She got back from a 2 month “snow bird” trip to South Padre Island, TX while I was in Florida. Good to catch up!

DH had to work so I met my sister and her hubby for the wedding. I wasn’t very “good”. I had two slices of pork loin w/bbq sauce, au gratin potatoes, dinner roll w/butter, baked beans, macaroni salad, 2 bud lights, 1 pc of wedding cake, peanuts, and a little candy (they had a candy bar with all their favorites!). No clue on the points! I just know that I ate too much!

DH called me around 7pm and said some friends of ours wanted to meet up a newly re-modeled restaurant/bar in town. So I headed out from the reception, but not before I got in a few dances! Both my sister and I LOVE to dance! She isn’t feeling well and left about the same time I did…if she hadn’t it would have been hard to leave!

I picked up DH and headed back downtown and was pleasantly surprised by the new look of the place. It was a favorite of ours before and I think we will frequent it now! I ended up having 3 bud lights, onion rings w/ranch, and spinach dip with french bread! Wow….Darci you need to slow down girl!!!

Oh no that isn’t what I did. After we left there I ate a hankering for some ice cream. So we snuck into DQ for an ice cream cone before they closed. So once again I have no clue on the points. I just know it was WAY too much. So today (Sunday) I hope to stay on track!


POINTS = through the roof/23

WATER = 48 oz (not near enough!)

EXERCISE = 14 min run, 19 min walk @ incline, 20 min cross ramp, & 10 min abs (exercise was about the only thing I was good about the past two days!)

I hope everyone is having a GREAT weekend so far! I am off to unpack my suitcase (yes I know I’m behind!).

Make sure to check out Leah's blog "Simply Fabulous" for a great giveaway!

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Posted by: Tukiyooo Days 143-144 (Friday 3/27 & Saturday 3/28) Updated at : 12:48 PM
Sunday, March 29, 2009

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