Hope everyone had a nice weekend. I rolled over Saturday morning at 7:30am wide awake. I hate it when I have the day to sleep in and I just can’t! But that was ok. I got up and cleaned a little and hit the gym for a long workout. Well I guess it wasn’t that long, but longer than my latest workouts! I ran for 25 minutes, did 23 minutes on the cross ramp, and then got in 20 minutes of leg weights. I felt pumped and refreshed…ready for the day!!

The scale FINALLY went down again. Granted it was only a 1/2 lb,but hey I’ll take it! So I’m down 38.5 lbs, only 8.5 more to go!

When I got home DH was busy making brunch for my sister and I! How sweet of him! I had a blueberry waffle, sf syrup, small turkey sausage patty (not pictured), and an orange for 6 points! What a great filling breakfast! Thanks hunnie!DSC02053

Since DH had the weekend off we just kicked back and sat around a chatted for a while with my sis. And then got ready and headed out to a movie. We saw Mall Cop. We think Kevin James is hilarious so both DH and I really enjoyed this movie. I had ff popcorn for 1 point…snuck in! Didn’t want that greasy full fat popcorn the movie theater sells for an arm and a leg!

We picked up a few groceries and a couple bday gifts for DH’s bro & sis and headed home. DH suggested I try the strawberry shortcake ice cream sandwiches and boy am I glad that I did. I had to try one when we got home and they are SSSOOO good and just 2 points!


We got the groceries put away and headed to DH’s hometown to celebrate his twin bro & sis’ 22nd birthday! MIL made her famous homemade pizza. I felt I did a good job and only had two slices (cb & pineapple…she knows my favorite!). We played a few card games and then had birthday cake and ice cream! And of course I had that too! But I felt ok with my choices. I have a very thin sliver of the chocolate cake, a piece of angel food cake, and 2 small scoops of ice cream. I know that is probably more than I needed, but I enjoyed it and that isn’t something I do too often. I really didn’t estimate points for supper & desert.  I just enjoyed it and the time with DH’s family. I feel good that I have come to a point where I can “enjoy” an occasional meal and not stress about not knowing the nutrition facts to calculate the points.

We left DH’s parents’ house and came back to town and ended up meeting up with a few friends at a newly re-modeled bar in town. And I have to say I was quite impressed. It looked great! I had 2 MGD 64s for 2 points! I love that they are only 1 point a piece! Sorry no pictures!

We didn’t get home till after 1am, but we had a good time!

I even set my alarm to get up for church Sunday morning, but for some reason I am getting good about shutting off my alarm without knowing it! So evidently I shut it off and next thing I know DH rolled over and said “Honey it’s almost 10am!” Holy cow!! I haven’t slept that late in a LONG time! I think it was ok though, DH needed the extra sleep to help recoup for his cold and I am sure it didn’t hurt me either!

I was nervous the scale would jump up  from Saturday’s eats and drinks. But surprisingly it wasn’t! I stayed the same, 163.5!

We joined DH’s family for brunch at our favorite buffet (I was pretty good!) and then came home and CLEANED like crazy! Felt good to give the house a “once over”! I didn’t take pictures of my food on Sunday. I got the muchines in the afternoon and ate some honey nut cheerios, string cheese, 2 ice cream sandwiches, and some cottage cheese. About 5:30pm I realized I needed to stop all the snacking and did just that! I didn’t eat anything else the rest of the night and felt completely ok….not starving at all!

I didn’t make it to the gym before they closed so I decided to go for a bike ride ‘cause it was SUPER nice out and got in 30 minutes and then when I got back I felt so bad that I didn’t take my pup Abby so I took her out for a run that only lasted 10 minutes because she was barking at everything whether it moved or not! So I cut it short! But felt good that I got in some sort of work out! Which means I’ve worked out 14/15 days of March!

Hopefully I will have time to get my Monday post done tomorrow morning! I need to charge my camera battery so I can upload my pictures!

Nite bloggies!

Oh and thanks for all the sweet comments on my wedding pictures!

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Posted by: Tukiyooo Days 130-131 (Saturday 3/14 & Sunday 3/15) Updated at : 7:15 PM
Monday, March 16, 2009

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