Hello everyone! I’m back and boy do I miss that warm Florida sunshine! This morning I wore sandals to work and get there and it starts snowing and was only 20 degrees! Oh Darci…you’re not in Florida anymore!

I had a great time and will give a recap at the end of this post! WARNING – Long post!

I forgot to take a picture of my breakfast Thursday morning…I was out of the groove! But I had oatmeal and an english muffin w/cream cheese for 4 points. I didn’t have oatmeal the whole time I was gone and it was great to come home and have it! I love that stuff!

My morning flew so fast I didn’t even have a chance to have my morning snack!

Lunch was a ham & turkey wrap with an orange and some baby dill pickles for 4 points.DSC02188

Oh and while I was gone my VitaTop order came in! So of course I had to try one of those out. I had the fudgy peanut butter chip for 1 point for desert! Very good!DSC02189

I had a “date” with my sister last night. She started reading the Twilight books while we were in Florida and wanted to see the movie and so of course I wanted to watch it with her, even though I’ve already seen it! So we got some supper, rented the movie, and snuggled in for a little “Edward”! I had a Subway ham & turkey sub and strawberries w/ 1/4c grape nuts and yogurt for 9 points. DSC02190DSC02191

After the movie I grabbed an ice cream sandwich for 2 points to satisfy my sweet tooth and snuggled in with my hubby for while he was watching basketball before bed. It’s so good to be home with him! (forgot to photograph again…sorry!)



WATER = 112 oz


Ok on to the Florida recap! I tried to stay on track while I was there and feel that I was very successful at that. I wrote down everything I ate in my tracker (which I think I left at my Grandpa’s house :( ).

I exercised EVERYDAY too! A lot of days it was just a 20-30 minute run, but then we would also go on bike rides, walks to and on the beach, and play tennis. It was so great to see my sisters! I love them SO much! And my Grandpa spoils us like crazy! Gotta love him! Especially since he put up with all us girls in his house for so long!

I found a ww meeting down there to go to on Tuesday (my normal ww wi day) and guess what…….lost 3.2 lbs!!!! (total of 41.4!!!) And that was all while on vaca!! I was so proud of myself!!I could hardly believe it. But when I looked back over the week I was there it explained why. When we went out I ordered grilled chicken and instead of fries I got steamed veggies. And other times I would split a meal with one of my sisters. And we were also able to cook at my Grandpa’s house, so that helped too.

I, of course, did some shopping while I was down there. Got a few more SIZE 10 capris & pants. And also I got a SIZE 8 dress from The Gap!! When I put the size 10 on it was too big and was hesitant to try on the size 8, but I grabbed it just to see and it fit great so of course I had to get it! I ended up getting a total of 4 dresses while in Florida. I’m excited to wear them now and not have to wear my “spanx” aka “magic panties” to suck in all those unsightly chubs. Feels awesome!

I got home on Wednesday night and it was SO nice to see my hubby and my lil pup Abby. It always is nice to get away, but that feeling of home when you get back is indescribable!

So here are just a few pictures from my time in Florida.

Me & my 3 sisters at the beach. It was never really “beach weather” while we were there. Only 70-75 degrees.DSC021361

Bike riding with my sister (the one from Georgia) – and look we even had helmets on! I don’t have one, borrowed hers, but I am going to buy one for biking this summer. I just need to convince DH to get one too. DSC02094

This is my tennis pose – I’m really not an avid player, but we had a good time the few times we played while we were in Florida. And then what do I do…forget my rackets at my Grandpa’s house. So now I can’t play till he comes back to Iowa in May…silly me! DSC02097

This is me pointing out that I was doing it the way the “pros” do…I didn’t know they put the spare tennis balls in their pockets! I thought it was funny! (but convenient too!)DSC02098

This is me with my only little sister. This is the one who goes to college in Florida. We were at Outback celebrating my Grandpa’s 75th birthday!DSC02109

Us girls with our Grandpa after eating at Outback. (This isn’t the best picture of me & i know my little sister doesn’t like it either, but it’s the only one we got of all 5 of us)DSC02113

Grandpa’s cake – don’t worry I only had a tiny little sliver and then had ww ice cream with it!DSC02114

One of the meals we cooked at my Grandpa’s house. Barbeque chicken pizza! My sister knew the recipe by heart and said she got it from ww! It was delicious! I hope to make it soon!DSC02115

My little sister had these fake glasses she wore one night when we went out and so I had to see what I looked like in them…and it made me laugh!DSC02116

And this is her in them…she looks much cuter!DSC02117

Me and my sister that lives close to me in Iowa. She is the oldest of the four of us. We are 9 years apart, but she is one of my very best friends!DSC02119

Had to get a picture of us by the palm tree. We always try to get a picture by this one. We’ve done it for years, pri almost 12-15! I just love all the beautiful vegetation in Florida. I wish we could have palm trees in Iowa!DSC02124

This is the way to the beach from my Grandpa’s house (less than 1 mile away!). I love how the tress make a tunnel…..so pretty!DSC02127

Another one of me and all my sisters…using the self timer on my camera! Love it!DSC02131

These are my three ABSOLUTELY favorite girls in the WHOLE world! I don’t know what I would do if I didn’t have 3 such wonderful sisters! They’re so pretty!! I love this picture of them!DSC02133

We like to take “jumping pictures”! My little sister is much better at it….see next picture!DSC02157

Note to self…bring legs up higher and arms not so high! Made me laugh! I told DH that this is my picture showing my excitement that I lost weight on vacation! lolDSC02161

And last, but not least another one of my favorite pictures! Gotta love sisters!DSC02167

I had a three hour layover in Detroit on the way home and had to go from concourse A to concourse C and do that you have to walk in a tunnel that goes under the tarmac. They have this really neat light show set to music. I was pretty impressed…hadn’t seen anything like it before! Here are a few pictures…but they don’t do it justice!



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Posted by: Tukiyooo Day 142 (Thursday 3/26) Updated at : 10:50 AM
Friday, March 27, 2009

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