BREAKFAST: Fiber One Bar. 2 points
AFTERNOON SNACK: Popcorn Cakes, Cool Whip, & Chocolate Chips. 8 points
SUPPER: Subway Ham & Turkey Sub & a WW Brownie. 7 points

EVENING SNACK: Jube Jelly Cherry Hearts. 3 points

WATER = 120 oz
EXERCISE = 20 min run/walk & 60 min cross ramp
Check out what I saw on the scale this morning:

Yep, that's right...I am outta the 170s!!! And I met my January 31st goal!! Words cannot express my excitement!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (maybe exclamation points can!!) :) So that means I lost 2.5lbs this week, 33 total, and only 14 more to hit my goal weight of 155!

I hit the gym right away this morning, felt good to get in a nice, long workout! Then I ran a few errands and headed home. I wasn't in the mood for anything so I just snacked all afternoon (I know that's bad), but I counted my points!

DH & I went grocery shopping tonight so we don't have to do it tomorrow. I bought some sweet potatoes....but the sticker on it says it's a yam....are they the same thing?? (Pri sounds like a retarded question...sometimes I'm a lil slow!)

I feel like we're an old married couple...getting groceries on a Saturday night and staying in and now it's 9:30 and I'm ready for bed!! I guess it will be good for me, I want to get up and hit the gym right away in the morning!

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Posted by: Tukiyooo Day 89 (Saturday 1/31) Updated at : 7:19 PM
Saturday, January 31, 2009

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