BRUNCH: Oatmeal, English Muffin w/Cream Cheese. 4 pointsLUNCH: Ham, Turkey, & Cheese Wrap, Green Beans, & a Pear. 5 points
SUPPER: Ham & Pineapple English Muffin "Pizzas" & Cauliflower and Broccoli w/Cheese. 6 points
EVENING SNACK: Yogurt w/Grape Nuts. 2 points
WATER =144 oz

I am happy to say that I am feeling MUCH better! Thanks for the well wishes!
Although the sad part is that since I was sick yesterday & Monday I didn't make ww & haven't worked out since Sunday. So I am hoping to just have a HUGE loss to tell you all about next week!

Sunday I finished the last book in the Twilight series!! Omg, LOVED it!!! But I am almost sad that there aren't anymore, I love series books. But I have a few other books lined up that I want to read during my workouts. Next up is "Multiple Blessings" from the show on TLC "Jon & Kate Plus 8". I just love the show so I am sure that I will love the book too! If any of you guys have any other good book suggestions I would love to hear them!!

I did watch Biggest Loser last night. And was so sad to see Damien leave, it should've been Joelle. I hope now she gets her act together and has a good week next week, she definately needs to be at the ranch and her partner really wants to come back to the ranch.
I haven't stepped on the scale since Sunday morning. I knew that if I did it wouldn't necessarily be a "correct" number since I haven't kept much down the past two days. I plan to weigh in tomorrow morning to see where I'm at.

I hope you guys have a great Wednesday night, I'm off for some much needed "couch time" with DH!
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Posted by: Tukiyooo Day 79 (Wednesday 1/21) Updated at : 7:51 PM
Wednesday, January 21, 2009

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