Woman Ate Only Starbucks Food for All of 2013 (BLOG) Woman Ate Only Starbucks Food for All of 2013 (BLOG)

New Year’s resolutions are usually predictable: lose weight, quit smoking, find a significant other, or maybe budget money more effectively....

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Five Doctors Without Borders workers abducted in Syria (BLOG) Five Doctors Without Borders workers abducted in Syria (BLOG)

(CNN)  -- Five workers for Doctors Without Borders were abducted from a house the organization was using in northern Syria, the group said F...

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NY bathers splash into new year with ocean swim (BLOG) NY bathers splash into new year with ocean swim (BLOG)

NEW YORK (AP) — Hundreds of brave bathers rang in 2014 with a plunge into the icy ocean off Coney Island. Members of the Coney Island Polar ...

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After the storm ... the cold (BLOG) After the storm ... the cold (BLOG)

(CNN)  -- If you thought the snow was bad, just wait for the cold and ice. "Don't put your tongue on a flagpole today," Connec...

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Marketing efforts to uninsured youth ramp up (BLOG) Marketing efforts to uninsured youth ramp up (BLOG)

MIAMI (AP) — The so-called "young invincibles" are so important to the success of the Affordable Care Act that supporters and detr...

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Five reasons James Avery was one of the greatest TV dads (BLOG) Five reasons James Avery was one of the greatest TV dads (BLOG)

(CNN)  -- James Avery was a prolific and versatile actor during his 68 years, but he's best known to several as Uncle Phil. A classicall...

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