First bike ride of 2011 First bike ride of 2011

Today was a gorgeous day in the Pacific Northwest. I pulled my bike out of the garage, dusted off the cobwebs, pumped up the flat back tire ...

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Where the boys are (and aren't): Non-traditional jobs for women and men Where the boys are (and aren't): Non-traditional jobs for women and men

By Beth Braccio Hering, Special to CareerBuilder When was the last time a male dental hygienist cleaned your teeth? Sure, we all know that w...

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San Francisco Film Locations...a mini-tour on video San Francisco Film Locations...a mini-tour on video

Huntington Park at the top of Nob Hill, San Francisco One day not too long ago my friend Dave and I went on an excursion into three San Fran...

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Tuesday night update and Wednesday birthday cake Tuesday night update and Wednesday birthday cake

Last night didn't go well. After I wrote my post I felt like I was literally starving to death. Almond. Butter. I don't need to say ...

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21 weeks 21 weeks

  How Far Along: 21 Weeks Size of baby: Baby Bangert is the size of a banana Total Weight Gain/Loss: gained 18lbs Maternity Clothes: ...

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I made it through Monday night without an incident I made it through Monday night without an incident

I managed to get through last night without any type of evening snack and no binging. It's a miracle! Now I need another miracle! It'...

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7 Things You Should Never Say In an Interview 7 Things You Should Never Say In an Interview

By Kaitlin Madden, CareerBuilder Writer You dry cleaned your suit. You've got a dozen copies of your résumé, just in case. You arrived e...

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Show Me, Don't Tell Me Show Me, Don't Tell Me

By Frances Cole Jones, author of "How to Wow" As you may know, the first rule of writing good fiction is, "Show me, don't...

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Monday, Part II - How a binge starts Monday, Part II - How a binge starts

My second post for today...avoiding a binge It's 10:21 p.m. This is usually when it starts, the beginning of my nightly binge. It always...

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New diets always start on Monday New diets always start on Monday

And it's a Monday I remember my old days of my dieting failures. I'd always start a diet on Monday, and often by Tuesday or Wednesda...

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Getting my head in the game Getting my head in the game

My Weight Watcher meeting on Saturday was excellent. My leader is the best, and I never fail to learn something from her meetings. Even when...

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Slip slidin' away Slip slidin' away

As soon as I posted last Tuesday that I was good at consistently exercising, I hit a brick wall. Suddenly, I didn't want to exercise any...

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Marlene Dietrich...another facet of her legend Marlene Dietrich...another facet of her legend

 Marlene Dietrich is one of very few film stars whose career not only spanned 60+ years but who also enjoyed icon status for most of those...

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Why Do Interviewers Use Brainteasers? Why Do Interviewers Use Brainteasers?

Remember when you took the SAT and were asked which direction a tree would fall if it were tied to the ground and then cut at the base? You ...

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Envivo De Michoacan V: The Magnificent 7 Reconsidered Envivo De Michoacan V: The Magnificent 7 Reconsidered

My image of Mexico came mostly from the Magnificent 7 and other such westerns. Hapless peasants in white pajamas and sombreros run about int...

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Envivo De Michoacan IV: Mi Historia Es Su Historia Envivo De Michoacan IV: Mi Historia Es Su Historia

The 3rd largest organ in Latin America was silent at mass on Sunday. That was a disappointment. But the chant was beautiful. There was a goo...

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20 weeks 20 weeks

  Pregnancy Highlights: How Far Along: 20 Weeks Size of baby: Baby Bangert is the size of a cantaloupe Total Weight Gain/Loss: gaine...

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Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins

These are a new favorite in our house! Very yummy & “healthified” to boot! 1 2/3 cups whole wheat flour 2/3 cup sugar 1 teaspoon bak...

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Baseball...It Can't Come Fast Enough Baseball...It Can't Come Fast Enough

I sit here in the midst of a giant blizzard pining for baseball. It didn't take much for me to get into this stupor. On Facebook I notic...

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In Praise of Winter In Praise of Winter

Winter is often when we have very mixed emotions about the weather.  It can be gray and bleak, bitter cold and damp, and even a bit treacher...

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